Chapter 10: First Subjugation

Less than an hour in and we’re already leaving Castel. Even for an alien like me, going to a human settlement without any money was an embarrassingly stupid mistake. Worse, my two companions had zero sense on how to earn a living. They only knew how to pillage and fight. However, they still knew more about Wadia than I did. …

Chapter 9: Castel

According to Bria’s lessons, Lureschka’s territory wasn’t entirely run by demons. Due to the strength of humans and other races, there were a couple settlements in their border. Of course, Lureschka’s influence still kept them at bay. They could only pitch a small village at most. The nearest one from the Hatchery was a farming village called Castel, which was …

Chapter 8: Rihoku

Author Note: Final weekend  double chapter. Thank you for reading! “What?!” I shot Shiki a deadly serious glare. That Nighthowl have just defeated three Three-fanged Vipers. How can I even match that?! Is he crazy?! At that point, I shouldn’t even have been surprised. After all, those two devils threw me into that hellish training without any care about my …

Chapter 7: Level up

Bria assessed me like some sort of specimen, but caught herself doing so halfway. The look in her eyes gave me a chill, but I didn’t dare let her notice.  “Well then, let’s continue with our lessons.” She forced a smile, but a hint of that curious glint remained. I groaned. “Can’t I skip tonight’s lessons? I swear Shiki was …

Chapter 6: Potential

What?! Was all of that just a warm-up?! Shiki caught my wide-eyed expression and heavy breathing. He made a sound that’s akin to a kettle releasing steam. Good thing that his face was literally a mist filling an empty samurai helmet, lest… I didn’t even want to imagine how he must have looked. “Well, then. No time to dally, my …

Chapter 5: Training Begins

Bria looked at me reassuringly, which gave me the impression that she could read my mind. As if proving my point, she straightened herself and patted my head. “Don’t worry Kaito. You were summoned by the Lord and were supposed to be our champion. You definitely have some sort of dormant skill or some hidden talent. Right, Shiki?” Shiki seemed …

Chapter 4: Evaluation

When Bria grabbed my hand, it felt like an iron rod was pulling me in. I didn’t– couldn’t resist. Going closer into the swirling lava like aura, I expected it to char my body and newly acquired Anycloth. However, I only felt a bit of nausea, then my vision, body, and mind started swirling. Before I knew it, an endless …

Chapter 3: Champion?!

“Summoned?” I stared at the young girl. That time, I swore I heard an explosion inside my head. “What do you mean ‘summoned’?” “Simply speaking, we used a spell to transfer you from your old world to this world,” the girl explained.  “Huh? What? Hahaha.” After hearing that, my mind became muddled. A manic laughter irresistibly came out. I didn’t …

Chapter 2: Crimson Cloak

Did I die? I could remember being swept away by the torrential water and everything going dark.  I wonder what a dead person looks like. I looked at my hands to check. They were still the typical flesh and meat, but they’re wet. In fact, my entire body felt wet. Taking a look at it further, I was actually naked. …

Chapter 1: Where it all began

‘There is no such thing as an innate evil.’ was written on the blackboard. In a week, my time in this torture chamber they call a classroom would be due. In a week, I would graduate from high school. It’s been a few long years, but it has finally come, I thought. I sighed and leaned back at my seat. My class …