60: First skill book

‘200 + 500 + …’ After seeing all those numbers, Ben put his proverbial nerd glasses on and added the points up in his head. Digits flew left and right in his mind’s eye as he calculated a precise sum. ‘Lost count! There’s a lot!’ Ok, doing the math himself wasn’t the key. That’s what his system was for. 4850 …

59: Achievement Hunter

4 days to live. “Don’t touch me ass-goblins!” Ben jolted awake screaming from a nightmare. After looking around, he relaxed, realizing he was safe in his dorm room bed. “What kind of dreams are you having?” Sitting at his desk on the other side of the room, Fariq showed a strange expression. Ben didn’t know what to say until he …

58: Snake D*ckskin escapes from New York

‘So this is what a Marvel vs DC crossover is like…’ Ben’s thoughts teemed with hypothetical matchups. Meanwhile, m*** Black Widow wiped off her breasts with some tissues she pulled out from a hidden pocket. Seeing those massive tits, Ben shook his head. ‘Almost got lost in the celestial tier…I need to stay on Earth to monitor these twin villains…’ …

57: Batman vs. Black Widow (R-18)

M*** Black Widow giggled at Ben’s response. “Excited I see…that’s good.” Seeing she wasn’t running away, Ben relaxed. ‘She must be a Lil Jon fan…’ He felt the giant blue boulder of anxiety that was crushing his c***-n-balls roll off. ‘Need to be careful. I got too excited and blurted out something stupid. It’s a good thing she seems easygoi—’ …

56: A reward for a good boy (R-18)

Author’s Note: Forewarning, this scene will consist of 2 chapters. ———— Ben laid eyes on a legendary prize. [Target’s current attraction level: interested(+2 slut bonus)] [Target’s current comfort level: familiar(+2 slut bonus)] ‘I’ve found a legendary slut.’ Ben understood the feeling Christopher Columbus had when he discovered the Americas… “Do you want to come with me?” M*** Black Widow put …

55: M*** Black Widow (R-18)

Batman was staring down a hotdog-shaped hallway. ‘This must be what Ben Affleck felt like when he was dating Jennifer Lopez…’ Ben was considering whether to turn back or pass through this long, dark corridor. ‘What should I do?’ Ahead: the unknown. Behind: cocks seeking knocks… ‘Ahead!’ When he considered it that way… He crept along the wall at a …

54: Welcome to hell. We have such sights to show you!

Legends say when you’re in a haunted place and walk through a ghost, you feel a chill. Ben felt like his balls were about to freeze off…but the people around him were alive. ‘Is this hell? Did someone dose me with hallucinogenics?’ The sound of electronic music flared as Ben appreciated the “New-age” decor: X-shaped giant crosses with people tied …

53: Batman enters an S&M club

“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.” Ben stood at a dark street corner peering at a massive warehouse filled with delinquency, debauchery, and Euro electronic music. His Batman mask hid his genuine identity, protecting him and his loved ones from the repercussions of whatever vile deeds he might have to commit next. The …

52: Smile like a doughnut

[Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the Achievement: Smooch a Pooch(common) – Kiss 1 new woman who is attracted to you] [Distributing reward: PUA Points + 100] [Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the Achievement: First Date, First Victim(common) – Have a successful date with a woman that she doesn’t cut short] [Distributing reward: PUA Points + 100] “I could be a victim too, damn it!” …

51: Universal kissing signal

‘Where is my aura burst?!?’ No matter how much he roared in his mind, Ben didn’t feel any sudden surge of strength. ‘I don’t understand…In all those novels I read, how did those MCs do it? I thought after Truck-kun made a cameo, things would change…but the power-up hasn’t come for me. It’s almost as if it’s completely unrealistic…’ “I …