50: Neighborly love

Have you ever pet a bunny rabbit that turned out to be a great white shark? As Ben walked by the park’s fountain with Miyuki, listening to the water splash, he had some doubts about what he just heard. ‘Was it a language issue? Or a joke? A Freudian slip?’ He wanted to know but Miyuki never brought something like …

49: First proper proper date

5 days to live. Ben was gazing down at the one ring. Well, the one ring he now owned. It was matte black metallic. He spent 1000 points on a Mid Level Mystery Box to get it. [Black Tungsten Ring(Item, Uncommon) x1 – Increases wearer’s manliness by 1 up to a maximum of 6] “Uncommon…” It wasn’t a very good …

48: Crime of passion

Ben was giving a police report. “Yea, that guy was courting death…I mean who answers a phone in a place where a truck could drive through the wall at any moment…I’m sure he’s been building bad karma his whole life with all manner of evil acts: threatening people, stealing their bathroom sluts…He’s probably kicked a dog…Hey, why aren’t you writing …

47: Boner justice

Ben snorted. ‘Too late dude. I don’t know her name, but this woman’s going to be my wife.’ She leaned off Ben like he was a piece of random furniture. There were stars in her eyes as they traced the hulk’s chiseled muscles and facial features. She moved towards him. Ben? Who’s that? Guy at the bar? There are lots …

46: Cultivation world of skanks

“He stuck the landing!” Ben watched as Antonio eased into the set. The women were now joking and chatting with him! Or rather, slurring! The legendary sluts drank numerous alchemy potions! They broke through to the next realm! These were now Mythical drunk sluts! A few minutes later, Ben was isekai-summoned into this cultivation world of skanks…”Cuz, over here!” Antonio …

45: NASA’s lunar sex mission

“This is how the big boys do it!” When the two girls they were with went to the bathroom, Antonio grinned and lifted his eyebrows multiple times like his face was doing pull-ups. “The big boys go for the big girls?” Ben wasn’t impressed. Antonio chuckled. “No bro, these two chicks now aren’t targets, they’re pivots.” “Pivots?” “Yea cuz, consider …

44: Crackheads want to eat swan meat

6 days to live. “Well, last night was a wash.” Ben said to Antonio. They were eating dinner at a nearby restaurant. “Sorry about that.” Antonio replied, “It’s all good, cuz. We got away from that bouncer. It’d be best if we stayed away from that bar though. Also, maybe you shouldn’t drink from now on. You went full Palpatine…” …

43: Invincible opener

Making vast changes to one’s looks was very challenging. Just ask Caitlyn Jenner… In fact, compared to all the other stats, looks was the hardest to increase. Without magical interference or extensive surgery, you could say it had a hard cap. Charisma, seduction skills, knowledge, or any of the others could increase with time and effort, but looks? Even going …

42: The positives of obliteration

As if saying ‘Don’t shoot!’, The barber lifted his hands in the air proclaiming innocence. “Son, I can cut it. I’m just sayin’ all I can do is make it shorter or shave it off. Cutting only the sides short or somethin’ like that…I don’t see that workin’ for you. As for Straightening it….” He shook his head. “You’d have …

41: Lose the hair or lose your head

“What superhero? You have no superpower!” Antonio yelled. “Neither does Batman!” Ben replied. “Batman’s superpower is money!” “You’re more like villains! You’re killing my business! Get away!!!” The hot dog vendor at the side shouted. Their yelling cleared out all the people nearby. Ben and Antonio returned to walking on the city street, happy to get away from the smoky …