20: The crucial moment

The professor was at the front of the classroom giving his last lecture to all the students. It had been an enjoyable and productive week for everyone. That was also the case for Ben since Zachary didn’t give him any problems, not even any nametag insults. Zachary must’ve feared Miyuki refusing to follow through with the date had he done …

19: Charismatic evolution!

8 days to live. Ben had to admit that when the countdown hit single digits, he felt like his heart stopped! He panicked! But what could he do? He was already doing everything he could! Ben sat on his bed and thought about recent events. This past week, he spent every waking moment working on his charisma and pick up …

18: A bet to win the girl

This was the moment Ben learned he had a phobia of public speaking and the physical consequences of it. He’d read about this last week in his psychology 101 class. It’s a common fear. In fact, it’s the most common fear, affecting 73% of the population. In the statistics of the most common phobias, the fear of public speaking is …

17: Stat gain is a hell of a drug

Charisma is all about influencing people with communication. Ben also read that one common trait of charismatic people is excellent speaking skills, so what better way to improve charisma than studying motivational speaking? It should also develop his communication stat. It was perfect! Ben took down the information on the flyer and checked the website on his phone for details. …

16: What is charisma?

Getting the number fired him up, but Ben knew to quit when ahead. Beluga advised him after getting a number he should exit. It’s always best to leave on a high note. So Ben said a quick goodbye and walked away. Beluga and Antonio smiled with pleasant surprise. They didn’t expect Ben would get a phone number on their 2nd …

15: Otaku religion

‘This is harder than I thought.’ Ben sighed. ‘All right…I can do this. Let’s go again.’ He scanned the horizon, discovering an intriguing girl with bright pink hair in the distance. She was standing next to a flower garden, laughing at something on her phone. Ben thought, ‘Pink hair? That’s too easy. I’ll ask her if she’s the stripper from …

14: Teasing

When he spoke to the woman, Ben noticed a difference right away. The words flowed from his mouth like water, his voice sounded smoother, and even his body felt more comfortable! As Ben delivered the opener and the joke, the woman responded well. She giggled! [Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the Achievement: Curiosity Killed the Cat(common) – Make one woman curious] [Distributing …

13: Jokes and stat bumps

Ben unlocked another system function! He asked the system and it explained the Attraction system would indicate the attraction level of a woman towards him when they spoke. ‘Isn’t this like an NPC favorability system in games?’ His eyes shined! This excited him for several reasons! First, this favorability system would be very helpful! How useful was it for a …

12: What is attraction?

Beluga praised Antonio. “That was pretty good…Things got a little weird at the end there, but people don’t judge stories only by their endings, right? Nice job!” Ben thought, ‘The ending is important though…If it sucks people won’t read the story.’ Then he realized a bizarre truth: that didn’t apply to most of the web novels people read… ‘As long …

11: Peacocking

16 days to live. It was time to meet Beluga and Antonio again. Ben sat on a bench in Central Park as he waited for them to arrive. It was a beautiful afternoon with lots of people walking, exercising, or sitting on the grass. There were many women alone or in groups. Beluga came from the direction opposite to where …