Chapter 1, Mother

Elena Iceborn, the first and only queen of the current king was a prideful and beautiful lady. However she didn’t quite fit the mold for most noble ladies, where many loved their fancy dresses and jewelry, the most she’d put on was a free-flowing dress. Her tall and imposing demeanor was heightened from the fact that she was well… ripped. …

Chapter 1, Ellius

Ellius, or El as he would have you call him was a quiet boy. This was due in large part to his father, who he seemed to take after quite a bit. Requille was consumed in his research whenever he had free time. If he wasn’t meeting with anyone or spending time with his family, you could always find him …

Chapter 1, the World Part II.

Magic… the base power of all beings in this world, was ruled over by many gods. The gods were beings that forged their own ways of utilizing mana in order to gain power. The god of chaos, the god of nature, and the All-seeing sage are but a few of the different gods. By praying and passing their trials, one …

Chapter 1, The world.

The kingdom of Iceborn… The kingdom’s capital was constantly covered in snow, placed on the side of the mountain called Ere. It only had two distinct roads climbing up the mountain, one to go down the other to come up. A wall surrounded the capital’s front made of a peculiar grayish bluestone to keep everything from peering in and had …