Chapter – 98 – Sonic Bullet – machine Gun

The signing of the Golden Document between the Werfurs and a human was historic but unfortunately, it was short-lived. With its dissolution, things would change between the Werfurs and Epsilon. Nick took a deep breath as he wrapped his mind around this, but soon after, a wicked smile formed on his face. Not surprisingly though, Nick’s smile came from his …

Chapter 97 – no More Friendship

Thinking about the 10,000 magical creatures headed towards the city, the guard was panicking but Nick smiled. “It seems this place is not that boring.” He thought this and then without waiting, he used his ring to reach Rabial. Within seconds, the connection with Rabial sounded and Nick asked. “Rabial, do you know anything about the monster horde that is …

Chapter 96 – ownership Contract

Nick’s familiarity and comfort with the Werfurs stumped Eliora, to say the least. She was an experienced woman in matters such as relationships between the different races. As a government official of the Blue Tear Empire that had numerous dealings in selling lands to private organizations and individuals, she knew some things better than most other officials in the empire. …

chapter 95 – land – Close

Blissfully ignorant of his fame, Nick completed his meal and left the Binding Lights Tavern. Since the purchase of land was on top of his list, he made some inquiries in line with what he had learned from his conversation with Baron Agriman in context to the property buying protocols of the city. Very soon, he reached the gates of …

Chapter 94 – Back To The City

Hearing Manager Narkor’s respectful tone, the server girl Aniva’s gaze at Nick changed from disgust to sheer fear, as if she was faced with impending death itself. Narkor himself was a mage. If he said that her actions would result in death punishment, then that meant the person Aniva insulted as a beggar and spat on, was at least a …

chapter 93 – Death Sentence

Nick had reached the Blue Tear City’s entrance. Many people were waiting in queues for their entries to be approved. Blue Tear City gates did not open for everyone. If the city were to not follow regulations, bandits and others with evil intentions would run the city rampant engaging in all kinds of illegal activities including transporting prohibited goods to …

Chapter 92 – Land Buying

To the bandits’ ears, Nick’s warning probably sounded like an answer to a desperate prayer. They did not hesitate at all; most of them did not even retrieve their weapons, scattering like a scared flock of birds before their chance to escape changed for any reason. The Agriman family was a small-noble family that did not have any mages or …

chapter 91 – life Or Death

As Nick got closer to the action, he understood the matter at once. The bandits were too many and from the look of it, they are experienced warriors among them. There was one man in particular who attracted Nick’s interest. He was most likely the bandit leader. He was a middle-aged bald man with an eagle mark under his eye. …

Chapter 90 – Bandit Ambush

After finishing the transaction and handing over a black card to Nick, the Void Dealer vanished with black energy surrounding him, leaving Nick alone on the forest road. Nick let out a breath and smiled. “With 500,000 Ether Stones, I have a decent starting capital, considering how Blue Tear City works.” Right now, Nick knew that with the power and …

Chapter 89 – Fire Snake Wand

With many thoughts about his future swirling in his mind, Nick departed the Werfur Anderium Base, borrowing a simple mage’s robes from the Werfurs. The mage robes were styled like a full-length cloak, completely covering his face and figure, and were also very comfortable to move around. Nick weighed his current situation and realized that to do anything at all, …