Chapter 38 – Be Quick – Be Silent – Be Deadly

In Nick’s office, Nick was on his chair while Rabial sat in front of him. Nick was carefully reading the golden-colored document. ‘Golden Document’ ‘Werfur Race Anderium Base – Werfur Council’ ‘Nick (Human Race) & Epsilon (Mage Name)’ ‘From the moment this “Document” and “Contract ” are signed, the above mentioned names will be classified as friends until death.’ ‘Werfur …

chapter 37 – Golden Document

‘Wave Radar’…. It was not long after Nick’s mind was set on adding ‘radar’ to complement his long-range spells, that he worked out the corresponding algorithm. Once done, he closed his eyes to focus and activate it immediately. Very soon, silent, colorless, and undetectable energy waves started radiating around him in circular shapes and motion. The waves continued at a …

Chapter 36 – Wave Radar

From a slave in a mage school… to a mage on the run… to being the weaker party in a one-sided alliance… to finally becoming the present equal partner with a strong magical race such as the Werfurs — Nick’s identity had evolved at a rapid pace in this new world. However, while he understood this world’s basic functionalities, he …

Chapter 35 – understanding – Fear

Nick’s ‘post-hoc’ battle analysis indicated two areas that could have led to dire consequences. The first mistake was that ‘Epsilon’ aka Nick took his eyes off the target. When he divided his attention to observe the convoy of carriages, mages, and warriors on the road and subdued the minotaur, he had left the Underbroom Cave unguarded. It was clearly instructed …

Chapter 34 – Aftermath

Nick’s Sonic Bullet, which so far was known to sometimes turn grey, sometimes become sharp-pointed at the tip, was right now showing shades of purple. This was the result of adding the knowledge of ‘Cyanide’. The purple hue corroborated the successful application of knowledge as Nick created the ‘Poison Sonic Bullet’. Nick was thrilled when this new version of the …

Chapter 33 – Cyanide – poison

The female necromancer had run out of all options as the battle neared its end and she was the only one left. Nick rechecked with Rabial whether any other enemy mage or conjured creature was still alive. Once he had the answer, he asked. “Do you want me to kill her?” Rabial had other thoughts for now. “I still need …

Chapter 32 – Armor Piercing

Nick was far from the five female knights summoned using the Black Lover Warriors spell, but he could clearly sense the strong pressure emanating from them. While his attention was focused on them, he heard Rabial’s cautioned instruction coming from the ring. “These warriors are strong. Do not hesitate and attack.” Even before Rabial’s words had ended, five ‘Sonic Bullets’ …

Chapter 31 – Epsilon – Hunt

As Epsilon (Nick) was watching the cave’s entrance, he heard Rabial’s voice coming from the ring that Rabial had given to him. “Epsilon, I have drawn the attention of undead creatures inside the cave. It is most likely that after the necromancer’s undeads are killed, the necromancer himself or herself will show up as well. Be ready and wait for …

Chapter 30 – Dead Minatour – Event

Faced with the change in the battle scene with the entry of a minotaur, Nick itched to test his own power. He relaxed and pointed his finger at the minotaur that was about to attack the mages and warriors, guarding the two carriages. There were only four mages left after one succumbed to the minotaur’s surprise attack. The body of …

Chapter 29 – Sniper – minotaur

After Nick killed off all the skeletons, he looked at Rabial. “These skeletons are weaker than usual. Should we go inside, or should we wait here for the necromancer?” Rabial nodded. Having now somewhat adjusted to Nick’s genius levels, Rabial had already started planning their next steps before going inside. As an experienced mage, he knew that necromancers were cautious …