Tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 198

Epsilon gave out a cold breath after he saw two towns that just ten seconds earlier were full of life and right now there are even no remains. Epsilon also saw a place which looked like a clear battlefield to him but the reason for the look of it was not because it was a real battlefield but in reality …

Tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 197

Epsilon kept reading the book until he got something out of it. For him to read about these books means that he is starting to look at his own power increase. Considering the other things about what he is capable of or what he is not capable of it is best for himself. Epsilon knows that he is strong but …

Tale Of Epsilon – 196 – Understanding Of Events

As all of the things were happening Epsilon in his courtyard sitting on his chair and watching the events of Crowia Race. With the use of Ether Stones that they have earned from selling Golems and use of Void Market they are improving at a fast rate. It has been just about one week since they have just started using …

Tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 195

The defining characteristic of the fight as a concept in Military science has changed with the variations in the organisation, employment and technology of military forces. The English military historian John Keegan suggested an ideal definition of battle as “something which happens between two armies leading to the moral then physical disintegration of one or the other of them” but …

Tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 194

The defining characteristic of the fight as a concept in Military science has changed with the variations in the organisation, employment and technology of military forces. The English military historian John Keegan suggested an ideal definition of battle as “something which happens between two armies leading to the moral then physical disintegration of one or the other of them” but …

Tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 193

The defining characteristic of the fight as a concept in Military science has changed with the variations in the organisation, employment and technology of military forces. The English military historian John Keegan suggested an ideal definition of battle as “something which happens between two armies leading to the moral then physical disintegration of one or the other of them” but …

Tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 192

The defining characteristic of the fight as a concept in Military science has changed with the variations in the organisation, employment and technology of military forces. The English military historian John Keegan suggested an ideal definition of battle as “something which happens between two armies leading to the moral then physical disintegration of one or the other of them” but …

Tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 191

The defining characteristic of the fight as a concept in Military science has changed with the variations in the organisation, employment and technology of military forces. The English military historian John Keegan suggested an ideal definition of battle as “something which happens between two armies leading to the moral then physical disintegration of one or the other of them” but …

Tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 190

5 “Main Research Center.”Research is “creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge”. It involves the collection, organization and analysis of information to increase understanding of a topic or issue. A research project may be an expansion on past work in the field. To test the validity of instruments, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate elements of …

tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 189

As the battle were on going. Crowia Race was still working on the matter of improving their land and improving their daily life quality. With their earned money of daily 100 Ether Stones. they have been buying many things from to Void Market. most of the time simplistic materials. wood and iron. some of foods and some of the batteries …