Tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 188

After. the power up come to Nadea she took a deep breath and activated her soul ability. Without giving any time to Defis to start attacking. “Teardrop Of Star Child – Star Child Spawns” “Description” “User conjures a car-sized Star Child. Star Child have %70 percent of the power of the user. The Star Child can fly and shoot blue-fires. …

tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 187

The planet of Defis was too bad. The whole world was lush of forest littered with different types of spider-like creatures. every day there is a chance of dying in the teeth of spiders and getting eaten alive. These facts and problems made Defis too strong. The constant need for survival and constant danger of dying. gave a mentality of …

tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 186

Epsilon stopped reading the book and took a deep breath. After he have looked at the two contestants who entering a death match only one of them will survive. He already had a good deal of understanding both of them. With his eyes it is not hard to understand who is going to win. He looked at the betting system …

Tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 185

The name of the woman-like contestant was Nadea. the description about her is impressive; it seems like she has too much of a fan-base. Epsilon did not understand why she would be entering a death-match Nadea is a much beloved and deeply venerated goddess. Learning, jewels and chains are several major elements this divine being is associated with and many …

tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 184

The name of the woman-like contestant was Nadea. the description about her is impressive; it seems like she has too much of a fan-base. Epsilon did not understand why she would be entering a death-match Nadea is a much beloved and deeply venerated goddess. Learning, jewels and chains are several major elements this divine being is associated with and many …

tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 183

Epsilon took a deep breath and waited for battle the end. The battle was about to end. Naligor looked at Alimor and smiled. He conjured two blood knifes and started running around of him. At that time Alimor used his spear to hit the Naligor but it was not working at all. In the end. Alimor lost too much of …

tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 182

Alimor was trying to find Naligor using his ability. From the time he have started he had hit the shield for about thirty times and it seems so the ability of Naligor who he used to hide himself is a pretty strong Soul Abiliity. It means nothing for himself or the ability of himself. In the end he cannot find …

Tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 181

Atumna and Alban was impressed by the words of Epsilon. In a sense they thought that he was too much experienced in these kind of battles and in general a battle-born. which means always works on the matter of battle and battles. So they have believed that he was talking from their experience. Of course in reality there is nothing …

tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 180

Atumna and Alban knew how battle will keep on going as they are experienced battle-borns. They know what kind of things would happen and most of the time they would be right. Not only they earn lot of Ether Stones from these battles and betting system. Not to mention their job as Soul Ability Teachers. because of their experience they …

tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 179

Alimor did not hesitated anymore and activated the ability. He started hitting the shield with his sword. With the first hit of the shield. an energy ball manifested. Alimor have already set the target as Naligor and before activating the ability of himself he took a deep breath and gave out an simple understanding and simple imagination of his face. …