tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 178

Alimor was trying to keep his composure but it was no use at all. In the end. the time was ticking and each second he was feeling weaker and weaker. If not for the Moon Body ability the power of himself would be already weakened to a point that he could not fight against “Blood Creatures’ ‘ of the Naligor …

tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 177

Naligor took a deep breath and smiled. He directly activated the ability and the smiling face showed himself and started talking. It voice tone was mechanic and scary. Ordinary people would faint with the show of face and the voice-tone. “What is your sacrifice” The smiling face asked with a small-laugh in her voice tone. Symboling that hiding is not …

tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 176

Epsilon watched the battle with great care and attention. These kinds of battles are not something that he is accustomed to at all. Most of the time his battles would be one-sided and just two beings throwing attacks at each other. One of them defends another one attacks and one of them attacks and the other one defends. It is …

tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 175

Naligor hit Alimor with the “Red Knife ” and then vanished. At the same time Blood Herald and BloodHounds have started attacking Alimor. Every second albeit too little. Alimor is able to feel that he was losing his total power and energy. Completely like bleeding. Alimor took a deep breath and commented. “I did not expect that he had another …

tale of Epsilon – Chapter 174

Blood Herald at that time did not waited any longer and started attacking to “Alimor” with a speed thateven Epsilon who watches the battle impressed. Blood Herald level is around at the peak of “Magister”half-step to “Lord Level” which considering that it is not a real creature but an manifestation that comesfrom a “Soul Ability” it would mean that it …

Tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 173

Alimor and Naligor looked each other and then seconds later. The scenery changed and map activated.Both of the people teleported far away from each other and the battle started. The cheerings of spectatorcan be heard from everwhere. Epsilon noticed that if he wants he can just mute the cheering of others buthe choose not to do so as it adds …

tale Of Epsilon – Chapter 172

After about ten to fifteen minutes the Deathmatch was about the start. Almost all “beings” had a panelopen in front of their eyes. This panel is called “Bet Panel” which is a panel for betting purposes. Thespectators can bet between two individuals that are going to battle. The system is basic. If a contestanthave %80 percent of betting that he …

Tale of epsilon – Chapter 171

After. Epsilon wanted to enter to spectator arena and watch the battle a notification message opened infront of himself. Asking him a question.“Ding” “The Spectator Arena of “Death Match” and levels of two being “Lord Level” needs. 100 EtherStone. “Ding” “The User ID – L-8” the payment will not be taken by user. Watchint Type “Alone Room”“Colosseum Spectator “Very VIP”Epsilon …

chapter – 170 Virtual Arena Hub

Epsilon entered the Virtual Arena Hub and started looking around. There were many beings with different kinds of bodies and forms here that he did not expect to see. Among these, at least three races seemed to have the most number of members. Two giant eyes monitored their surroundings from their huge sockets. A pig-like nose rested below them, but …

Chapter – 169 – Future Projects

Epsilon took a deep breath and started working on his future projects. He figured his comprehension of the Mobius Strip worked very well but he would need something additional as well. Most of the time, people would not understand that sometimes the practice of meditation alone was not sufficient. Epsilon also needed battles and fighting experience. If not, things would …