Chapter 54: Arrival of Buck Boomer

“That’s right we will be sending a few drones down to the first level to live broadcast the entire event this afternoon! Unfortunately, due to certain… complications happening on the first level, we are unsure if there will be a reporter to interview the party member Buck Boomer,” said Kommy. “Here is a first look of the area where the …

Chapter 53: Short straw and new orders

Arron watched as the security bots herded the restless crowd away from the shopping district. A few of the more rambunctious people tried to block the security bots. “Receive justice!” chanted the security drones. Bzzt! Electric jolts caused them to drop like sacks of potatoes. “Let’s check the rear entrance,” said Kix, waving for Arron to follow him. The large …

Chapter 52: Statistics and Justice

“Hey it’s cramped back here!” complained Bug-eye. “We weren’t expecting to have to take someone for a ride. Maybe you shouldn’t have killed someone,” said Kix, who was focused on swerving in and out of the heavy traffic. Arron was keeping a close eye on Bug-eye who was crammed back into the storage part of the AP, chained to a …

Chapter 51: First day of the Festival

Someone in the front row raised their hand to ask a question. “Speak,” said Chief Chesty. “Who did they designate as a target this time?” There was a low mummer as the officers quietly spoke to the person next to them all guessing who or what this year’s target would be. Chief Chesty held up a hand to quiet the …

Chapter 50: Festival rumors

Arron, now with a thick white gauze covering his right eye, was led out of the dim operating room by Dr. Impleman and into the bright lobby room. “The Gaseous Ethylene should wear off in a minute or two. You are welcome to sit here until it does,” said Dr. Impleman, waving his hand toward an empty cushioned couch, before …

Chapter 49: Implant

Arron woke up the next morning with the right side of his face still aching along with the ever-present pounding migraine that was still plaguing him. He stumbled into his bathroom and took a few of the generic painkillers that had been given to him by Doc Octy. From what Kix had told him, the pills were far safer than …

Chapter 48: Pain

Arron woke up to the cold rain hitting his face sending a jolt of pain through his entire body with each drop. His entire body was now completely soaked as he lay on the flooded ground near the base of the building he had slammed into. He felt the warmth of a fire nearby but could not see it. When …

Chapter 47: The chase is on

“Damn, I should have used my hoverbike to chase them,” said Arron. He was holding onto the handle above his door as Kix was wildly swerving through traffic making him feel as if he was going to lose his recently eaten lunch. “Not in this rain,” said Kix. The large group of hover-bikes shot through the many muddy puddles as …

Chapter 46: Chasing Rain

It was raining once again on the first level and Arron was lucky enough to be standing out in it trying to buy lunch for both Kix and himself. The heavy downpour of rain seemed far worse than all the rainstorms he had encountered during his stay in the Megacity. When the service bot at the food stall finished preparing …

Chapter 45: Boxing

The five hours passed by without Arron noticing it as he was lost in thoughts while he mindlessly lifted weights with the others. “Valued members, your five hours are up! Will you be extending your time or … leaving?” asked the service bot from a short distance away.  When it reached the group and started floating next to them its …