Chapter 44: The Muscle

Ding! Arron was woken up by his NerViz notifying him of an incoming holocall. With groggy eyes he fumbled with his wrist datapad and accepted the call. “You’re still asleep? Are you really going to sleep all the way through our rare day off?” asked Kix. “Wasn’t planning to, it just happened. Is there something you need?” asked Arron. As …

Chapter 43: Park Patrol

Several days later, Arron and Kix were zipping down the highway heading towards Sector 11. “Tooth, fill us in on the details,” said Kix. “It’s fairly simple compared to yesterday’s activity,” said Tooth, his head floating above the APC’s dashboard. “You two are to head to Sector 11 Zone 3 and patrol the large park. There has been a large …

Chapter 42: Med-vac

In less than ten minutes both Arron and Kix were able to traverse the entire northern streets and alleys of the northwest district. Arron peered over a low broken wall and looked at a pile of 60 or more dead bodies scattered around in the middle of the street next to the main building where unit 2 was fighting. There …

Chapter 41: Code 2

The next day in one of the large M1 officers’ locker rooms Arron and Kix were both quietly getting ready for their shift. The room was filled with ruckus laughter and chatting between over a hundred different M1 officers. As Arron was putting on his armor the ceiling light turned from yellow to a red.  Annnnnnnnh! A loud warning system …

Chapter 40: Import and Mail Sorting Facility 

As Arron followed the NavGuide pixi out of the Sector 1 zone 3 MagLev station, there wasn’t much scenery to look at just several hundreds of towering rundown buildings with hundreds of people exiting and entering them. Every building that Arron passed, looked completely bare without any Holo-ads playing due to the planned power outage. This simple thing surprised Arron …

Chapter 39: Package

In the M1’s dim locker room Arron was pulling off his chest armor and placing it in his locker with the number 3-3-2 on the door.  Ding! His NerViz notified him of a new message. He opened the messages with his wrist data-pad and frowned at the name of the sender. “Something the matter?” asked Kix. “Something from the Office …

Chapter 38: Disturbance chase

The sound of loud sirens echoed off the towering buildings as the APC sped through the streets of Industrial Sector 8’s civilian zone 3. Toothbrush’s head floated above the dashboard as he informed Arron and Kix of the situation. “The reports coming in say that rioters are in the market district. They have already destroyed several stalls. It’s only time …

Chapter 37: After report

As Arron got out of the crumpled APC he was forced to step out over the disabled Kix who was laying on the ground next to his door. He crouched down next to the Exoskeleton and stared at the several large dents, scrapes, and cave-ins. “Stop staring at me and help me get out of this thing,” said an agitated …

Chapter 36: Factory rampage

The holo-call ended abruptly after a few curses were thrown at Arron. Arron tapped the HQ quick contact and began a call to Toothbrush. The person that answered was Lexa. She looked every bit like a teacher with her black hair bun and glasses. “How can I help you two?” she asked in a direct no-nonsense manner. “We’re on our …

Chapter 35: Traffic stop

Sector 10, Zone 1. Several days passed since Arron’s first eventful patrol. Arron and Kix were once again in sector 10 to keep the peace and fulfill the orders issued by Mother and Father. Arron was standing on a raised paraconcrete square platform in the middle of the large 8-lane 4-way highway. The highway was the main road that connected …