Chapter 24: Apartments

Their flying car started to slow down as it approached a large dark parasteel apartment building that was 300 floors high.  The thousands of individual lights shining out from the many windows of the building made for an enchanting sight. It also brought some light to the ever-present darkness of the First level. The flying car stopped in front of …

Chapter 23: ERF History

Arron and Toothbrush sat on a plush couch seat in the back of the dark blue flying car. Kix sat on the couch in the front, facing Arron and Toothbrush. “It really is a flying car. This is my first time in a flying car,” said Tooth. “Same,” said Arron.  He looked outside the tinted windows and saw the late …

Chapter 22: Partner

“You’ll receive the rest of your gear tomorrow when you start your first day on the job,” said Chief Chesty. Arron looked up from the heavy chest armor to see Chief Chesty already walking to another area with several dusty desks. On top of one of the desks was a shining small parasteel container that looked to have been placed …

Chapter 21:  Job assignment

Arron stood at attention in the dimly lit physical training room with 10 other trainees.  They were standing in front of a platform that had just been set up by worker bots for the graduation ceremony of the 11 people standing there. Arron only knew three of the 11 men standing next to him. Iboi, Temid, and a guy nicknamed …

Chapter 20: Restructuring

Jena ignored her uncle’s finger that was pointing at the medicine and closed the door behind her. “Uncle, you need to fire these people.”  With a flick of her hand, she sent the data from her wrist data-pad towards her uncle’s desk. The data appeared over the desk and started scrolling up revealing the faces and listing all that they …

Chapter 19: Discovery

With the economic bubble burst still showing no sign of lessening, many people were beginning to feel the effects as the non-essential items that people normally bought were becoming harder to buy due to the inflation that had now hit the market hard. Jena sat in her cramped office which only had room for a desk, a hover chair, and …

Chapter 18: Training 2

That night Iboi and Temid both looked at Arron with a different light in their eyes. Iboi’s cybernetic eyes were truly glowing a different color. “You haven’t even been here for two full days and you already passed the physical, weapons, and mechanics requirements! At this rate, you will pass all the requirements before us! What kind of monster are …

Chapter 17: Training 1

“100 more pushups! Then, I want you to do 10 sets of ten laps around the track!” shouted a middle-aged bald man. He was wearing a gray jogging suit with the dark blue M1 on his chest and arms. His shouts were extra loud as he was using a cybernetic implant that could amplify his voice up to 10x louder …

Chapter 16: Dorm mates of room 25

Arron stepped off the Mag-shoot and passed a door marked Dorms #1, entering a dimly lit hallway with 50 doors. There were 25 doors on each side of the hallway, each of them having a glowing white number. The hallway was empty and completely silent. Arron’s new room was number 25 which was at the back of the hallway on …

Chapter 15: Dr Octy

“I don’t care why you decided to join. I will only give you this once chance to give up. If you do not take this opportunity then I expect you to fulfill your duties with every fiber of your being. No half-assed attempts, that only gets people killed,” said Chief Chesty. “Sir, I will not quit!” said Arron, giving his …