Chapter 14: M1 HQ

There was a small line with a few people at the front entrance to the tall M1 building. Blocking the front door was an extremely muscular man standing just over 5 ft tall. He was wearing a tight-fitting dark blue uniform that had a white and black checkered stripe on both shoulders. Covering his chest was an ancient and worn …

Chapter 13: Level 1, Sector 12

Arron stumbled off of the MagLev along with several other passengers who were limping or being helped off by another person. If they didn’t get off now there would be hell to pay since the MagLevs did not allow people to stay on them longer than their ticket’s destination. The large man who had caused all the trouble was still …

Chapter 12: Clearing up questions

When Arron once again arrived at the fourth level’s MagLev station he was stopped at a checkpoint by two station police. “What’s a B rank doing on the 4th level?”  asked one of the officers. “Stop messing around Mort. There are others behind him. If he is allowed to leave then pass him through. If not let the security bots …

Chapter 11: Interview Results

Arron stood in front of the secretary’s desk as she finished typing up a document. As he waited he tapped on the mail option and accessed the business card that had been sent to him. The floating holographic business card was quite plain having the Motto of the [Party of Mother and Father] at the top, Chief Harlan’s name in …

Chapter 10: Police HQ

“Hey! Over here!” said the grumpy NavGuide for the millionth time. “I can see it! Will you shut up!” said Arron, growing irritated with everything. He now had a growing headache due to everything in the city trying to access the NerViz cloud chip. The sidewalks, doors, bots, ads, even the lights on the streets all accessed his cloud chip …

Chapter 9: …I just don’t know where I am

As Arron walked through the crowded town plaza his plainclothes stuck out like a sore thumb. Many of the people he passed looked at him with distaste and quickly moved away from him. This made it quicker for him to get to the exit but it did not make him any happier. When Arron stepped out of the large domed …

Chapter 8: Sights of the Megacity

A large portion of the people on the MagLev hurriedly stood up and exited the opened doors onto the 4th level MagLev station. Arron smacked his face once to regain his composure and grabbed his hovercase from above his seat before following the crowd of passengers. As soon as Arron stepped onto the large platform he was hit with a …

Chapter 7: Megacity Neo-Tokeyo

“So why did you call me? Are you having second doubts and want to come back because of the bubble burst?” asked commander Rub. It was the next day when he was able to return the holo-call. “No regrets, I just wanted to ask you about policing in Neo-Tokeyo since I know you used to live there. “ “Are you …

Chapter 6: New Job Prospects

As Mel drove them into the small town Arron looked out the window of the old hovercar. There was little to see as they passed the few shops and warehouses on their way to the parking building near the MagLev station. Mel drove the car onto an empty parking pad and the two of them got out. Arron waited for …

Chapter 5: Burst

Several months passed by as Arron continued day after day, doing the daily farm chores in the small sleepy farm town. Everyone he knew was either a farmer of the large plantations or animal herders and breeders. Many of the townspeople held second jobs as shopkeepers, police, or Emergency first responders. Other than the three black-suited [Office of Reason] agents …