Chapter 4: Normalized

The news and rumors of everything happening to Jena exploded out of control. On every social media platform that the party of Mother and Father allowed, this piece of news, as well as rumors, were all that was being talked about. Both her supporters and those who felt a sense of schadenfreude as they watched people’s lives and careers destroyed, …

Chapter 3: Returning home

Arron used his time on the MagLev to absorb what he could. From what little he was able to glean from the news Commander Rub was right, there was a lot that he had missed while he was serving in the Nippon branch army. When he had joined the branch army the country of Nippon was just a small ravaged …

Chapter 2: Office of Reason

Arron was stopped several times as he walked through the Military base wearing civilian clothes. After showing his discharge papers for the tenth time to the roving security bots as well as their human counterparts, he was finally able to exit the highly secured base. It was just after 8 am as he started to walk to the nearest Highspeed …

Chapter 1: Retiring

The audible wind flew down the highway past the burned civilian hover cars and husks of long-outdated tanks. In the distance, several small arms and large-caliber guns were firing up a storm. They were shooting at some unknown and unseen enemy. The warm wind flew past the rubble piled up outside the large city. As the wind entered the city …