Chapter 104: Agent A.S. and a Makeover

“Is this the place?” asked Arron. “It’s what the directions say,” said Kix as they stared at a greasy and crumbling building with the holographic sign [GW Bar] floating above the front doors. “Let’s hope these disguises work,” said Arron, who was wearing a flimsy mask and baggy hoodie to cover his face. When Arron and Kix crossed the street …

Chapter 103: Try not to be surprised

Ting! The mag-shoot’s doors opened onto the 299th floor.  Instead of them walking to one of the doors in the well-lit hallway, Kix led Arron to the end of the hall where the stairs were and placed his right metal hand over the scanner of a black door that was blocking the stairs to the 300th floor. With a loud …

Chapter 102: The Blood Wars

“There you are,” said Kix, over the secure comms as he spotted Arron in the large flowing crowd of civilians. Arron was leaning against the wall of a semi-clean building at the spot that they had agreed upon earlier. He was still completely relaxed from the full shave and aftercare that he had received a while ago. “What’s with you?” …

 Chapter 101: Sector One

In the entire Mega-city other than the people Arron worked with on a daily basis, he only had one other person that he talked with regularly, Yumi. Currently, he was sitting on a plush couch in her apartment which was part of a new building that had recently popped up in sector 12. This was his first time actually being …

 [Part 2: The Gang Wars] Chapter 100: Recovery and New Assignment

“Ahhhhh! It burns!” Arron’s scream rang out throughout the sterile room. He woke up in a cold sweat, his muscles cramping from his recurring nightmare where relived the experience of being burned alive by the large explosion. It had been over a week since the explosion and in that week he had been operated on several times by Doc-Octy and …

 Chapter 99: Engulfed

“Breaking news there has been a major separatist terrorist attack during the opening of the new park in sector 12!” said Kommy with a blank expression as he stared into the floating news drone. “Preliminary reports are coming in and it looks bad. What the hell are the police and Special M1 officers doing allowing such an event to happen? …

Chapter 98: Fiery Fun at the Parks Grand opening.

Vrooom! Arron shot down the main highway of sector 12 in the light night traffic. He was enjoying a ride on his completely repaired and modified Hover-cycle now that the after-work rush hour had thinned out hours ago. Luckily, with a few words from the chief, the paperwork had gone through with the Office of Reason allowing him to register …

 Chapter 97: Party-member Normalization

[Party member Nuck: Everpreen college’s Hivemind Problem and the rise of violence.] A small opinion piece written by a small-time party member under Father popped up on the front page of the holo-news portal catching Arron’s attention as he sat on a hover bench in the locker room waiting for Kix to finish dressing for the day’s shift. Along with …

 Chapter 96: Evil symbols must be Normalized

The news drones hovered over the stage no longer paying attention to the mangled bodies of the suspected separatist that were still being scraped up off the ground, cuffed, and shoved into the transport vehicles. “We are Anti-Separatist and we will fight against any filthy separatists trying to spread their message of hate and division!” said the red-clad female with …

 Chapter 95: Peaceful but Bloody Brawl

“Uhhh… it looks like the students have gotten a bit excited. I’ll try to find another person to interview,” said Tifa as she stopped moving forward, and directed her news drones away from the brutal brawl that had just broken out. The other reporters that had all been scrambling toward the red-clad students along with her also stopped and retreated …