Chapter 84: Drinking and Dancing sorrows away

Inside the red-lit bar, Arron sat at his small booth that only had room for two people to sit comfortably. His back was resting against the cushioned wall that now led to the new large luxurious corner booth that was on a slightly raised platform behind him. With a deep sigh, he looked at the open bar room where he …

 Chapter 83: One of those days

Arron stepped out of the locker room’s large mist shower room with only a towel around his waist. He had stayed inside for over a half hour and had been trying to get his thoughts straight while inside. Everyone else, including Kix, had already left the showers. The night shift officers were getting dressed into civilian clothes, while the morning …

 Chapter 82: Dirty work

Arron, Kix, and the other ERF Members and police officers stood near the entrance of the room, their guns still held at the ready. The group of Troubled suspects huddled together at the front of the room behind the podium where the elderly man still stood. Some were still crying while others’ faces were pale-faced and stared blankly at the …

 Chapter 81: Go!

The old gray ten-story building stood out due to its short height compared to the two buildings it was sandwiched in between which were 300 stories tall. The target building was quietly being surrounded by the combined raid force late at night when there was little legal activity happening. Every road leading to the city block that the building was …

 Chapter 80: Raid force gathers

Arron and Kix showered before walking to the officer’s barracks feeling somewhat refreshed from the long day of patrolling the grimy streets and alleyways. Every field agent from ERF 3 was already resting inside the common room which was connected to the cramped bunk rooms on either side. “Yo!” said Kat with a grin. “You guys finally arrived.” “I was …

 Chapter 79: Troubling deaths

“In other news, a wave of mysterious deaths has popped up in sector 3 of the first level.” The broadcast of the morning news could be heard coming from the nearby APC that had its door opened. The voices echoed off the grimy dark walls of an alleyway behind a large middle-class apartment building. Unlike many other alleyways that Arron …

Chapter 78: Hospital stakeout

“Anything happen while I was gone?” asked Arron, when he returned to the small recovery room. “Luckily nothing happened,” said Tooth, only looking away from the holo-tv for a second before turning back to watching a rerun of the newest movie [Adventures of Brainless man: Fire Hurts.]. He was rather relaxed as he sat next to the bed with his …

Chapter 77: Hospital stay

Kix looked conflicted upon hearing the news. “Although tomorrow is our day off I have important plans I can not put off. If you still plan on tackling this task, I can help you check out the crime scene right now while it is still hot.” “Let’s do that,” said Arron.  Since the two were now off of work they …

Chapter 76: Drone and Bot Trouble

Arron opened his eyes and found that he was laying in his bed. If the projected date and time on the ceiling of the room was correct, he had been knocked out for over two days. The time on the ceiling was 3:23 A.M. His body and head were no longer aching since all his bruises, bumps, and cuts had …

Chapter 75: Checkup

The metal cuffs detached themselves from the parsteel chair when the two male Office of Reason agents grabbed Arron by the arms. They drag him out of the room and down a long bright and sterile metal hallway until they reached an underground parking garage that housed several armored flying vehicles with the Office of Reason seals stamped on each …