We traveled for hours back into the forest I had come out of just a couple of days ago. Strangely, I didn’t feel any sort of dread of not making it back here, going into the forest where I had almost died several times. Instead, I was almost glowing with anticipation. I tries to hide it but Vanessa saw right …
CH:16 The Guard
A man sits in a stone room at his desk. Weapons adorn the walls, from intricate to simple all of them are placed carefully in cases where most have remained for years. There is a knock on the door. “Come in.” The man’s voice was booming and clear though he spoke at his normal tone, even in the room where …
cH:15 Pay To Win
When we stopped next it was in front of a building that stood out. Most buildings on the main street were bright and colorful but this one was a mass of thick stone walls and had guards in full plate armor outside flanking the doors. They eyed us without turning their heads as we walked through the door where yet …
CH:14 Out In The Streets
Venessa and I walked out to the skeletons which are thankfully still alive, took everything we could, and rolled it up into tarps to carry and drag back into the city. “We can’t sell this just anywhere. Too much armor brings too many questions. It’s always best to avoid bringing attention to ourselves. In this city, there is one place …
CH:13 Medicine And Stats
As I explained the situation, realization dawned on her face. At least she has the shame to look sorry even before she hears about the attack. After which we quickly walked down the street and into the alley to help Bernardo. While she was looking at him she told me to collect anything I could from the bodies. It wasn’t …
CH:12 Back Alley Brawl
My eyes snap open and quickly dart to the sound. A bright light shines blinds me for a second. My eyes slowly adjust to the light and I make out the form of blurred shapes standing twenty feet down the alley. There are three of them and they come into focus. They wear brown rags and carry daggers in their …
CH:11 Night In The City
Left in the dust. Just when I thought things were looking up. We meet here in the morning but what am I going to do until then? I don’t live here. I don’t have any money. Is she trying to get me killed? Somehow I don’t think so. If she wanted to cut me off then why tell me to …
CH:10 Night Business
I’m running through the streets. People who notice me step quickly to the side to allow me to pass. But I’m not thinking about them. All of these years and all of the skills I have, and they still caught me. Blindsided. I’ll Never forgive that. Then, I was saved. That’s almost worse. I have made a name for myself …
CH:9 The Gates Of The City
Me and Vanessa are walking through the forest now. My skeletons have spread out around us, which she has accepted. I hope that she can get more used to being around me. I think that if I just keep being myself then she will eventually come around though. After all, I’m not just going to be killing people right and …
CH:8 Packing Up And Shipping Out
We Stepped out of the coffin and come out into the light. Ahh, It’s still a nice day even if I almost got killed this morning. It all worked out in the end though so I’m in no place to complain too much. I’ll Finally see some normal people! No offense..? wait a minute. I don’t even know her name. …