Arc 12 Chapter 263: Old Fort

As Akira and his other allies were traveling south Varbu and Gobbers had gathered several small scouting teams and had sent them out to explore the entire area around Kodria. They took an artist along with them to draw the areas they passed onto a canvas. The reason? The Goblin and Orc tribes had already doubled in size since they …

Arc 12 Chapter 262: Bleur shore 

“… so how did you two end up being chased by so many demigods?” asked Akira sitting behind a small wooden desk. Jas, Burkin, Zundar, and Klyn were also sitting in the cramped captain’s office situated at the stern of the flagship. Two braziers were burning to keep the ocean chill away. “It’s a wild tale and not even I …

Arc 12 Chapter 261: Seasurfer, Pointy, and Hail

Akira stood on the top deck of K.S. SeaSurfer. The ship was one of the large naval ships that Kodria owned. She, along with the two medium ships K.S. Pointy and K.S. Hail had led the delegation of Kodria, Saberfang, and Coldpelts up the river to continue their discussions with the various coastal werewolf clans. Each ship had its own …

Arc 12 Chapter 260: Restless Froit

Far to the north in the Snow Owl tavern, a dim yellow light lit up the common room as well as the usual small groups of demigods that sat at the tables all day and drank away their gold. Today they seemed more agitated than normal. Jas wiped a clean mug for the hundredth time while he watched the small …

Arc 12 Chapter 259: Dukedom

Ding! Kodria has been upgraded to Rank 3 Capital! Requirements for Creating a dukedom have been met! Rank 3 Capital has changed to rank 3 Dukedom! The Dukedom Kodria has been founded. A notification will be sent out when you officially announce the Dukedom and take on the role of Duke. Title received! First Duker: Kodria is the first true …

Arc 12 Chapter 258: Delegates and Surprises

“Is that them?” asked Klyn as he shielded his eyes from the blowing winter wind and dim sun to look out over the lake at the approaching flatboat. “How can you not recognize them, when we have spent nearly a year working together on clearing up the infected?” asked Akira. On the flatboat were several delegates from the other allied …

Arc 12 Chapter 257: Clean up

With the Molten Onyx plague clearing up so quickly after the completion of the main quest. The many guilds were left wondering what they should do now. Many of them had spent all of their gold on trying to complete the main quest. The one guild that stood out from the others repeatedly getting second place in many of the …

Arc 12 Chapter 256: Special day in every way

A week had passed since the siege. The damage that the east river fort and the outer city had endured was quickly patched up. There were at least a thousand different funerals over the past week for those that had died during the siege. With there being so much happening in such a short time Akira was unable to go …

Arc 11 Chapter 255: Reaping the rewards

Akira knew that allowing one of the Cult of Science masterminds to escape would only allow for the partial completion of the main quest, meaning any additional reward was unlikely. During Tibia’s escape, she had managed to take the completed clear diamond which Akira had no clue what their use was for, only that it must be for something important …

Arc 11 Chapter 254: Ritual

Akira and Nox 1 and 2 raced down the tunnel towards the sound of battle quickly reaching an intersection, the first one since they had left the large pool room. The sounds that had caught his attention were coming from the new path so they turned onto the path and ran up the path as it curved back diagonally from …