Arc 10 Chapter 184: The south Earth tribe clans

“…so you are a descendant of those clans that stayed behind long ago,” said an elderly man whose gray hair was all over the place. “Yes grand elder Guold, I represent the four clans that have formed the growing trade town known as Kodria,” said Akira respectful. Grand elder Guold was nearly 100 years and still had a muscular body …

Arc 10 Chapter 183: Little sister Big sister

A whole afternoon had been taken up by every werewolf but Klyn and Bo wrestling with the large Gargs. Now each of Akira’s guards and the werewolf soldiers that had come along were all riding their own Garg companion mount. It was the start of Kodria’s own mounted cavalry. Klyn, Zundar, Varbu, Chack, Mileena, and Maya who did not have …

Arc 10 Chapter 182: Grarr

“That staff you gave me really is amazing! When I didn’t use it I could only blow up 100 targets at once. But now when I use it I can almost reach 1000. I’m sure if I practice more I can reach 1000 and even surpass it,” said Yuki happily as she and her husband walked to the throne room. …

Arc Chapter 181: Yuki’s special ceremony

“It’s quite amazing that the city has mostly been built out of ice,” said Akira as he looked around at the several shops and houses that he and his companions were passing as they walked the streets of the capital of IsKald. “It’s damn cold in this city! There is too much ice here,” said Mileena who was bundled up …

Arc 10 Chapter 180: Enemies and allies

The werewolves charged towards the muffled sound of fighting, as Akira reached the top of a large snowdrift he could see a small area in front of them where the sound of battle was coming from was covered by what looked like a small swirling blizzard. “Yuki, is that something we need to be wary of running into?” asked Akira …

Arc 10 Chapter 179: Rewards

Ding! Ben and Dover have been killed by your companion! Your level is now level 87! “Fluffball?” asked Akira, who had been freed from the ice when the burning daggers had exploded against his shield. “Roar!” said the large snow wolf as he started to haughtily strut towards Akira. As Fluffball walked to Akira his body started to shrink back …

Arc 10 Chapter 178: Deadly Cute Poiyoing

“Hurry up! We still have a few more rooms to go before we reach the entrance to the 5th floor!” said Dover trying to make Akira Move faster. Akira continued to gather items from the [Brown Hammer polar bear] that had been killed. Akira’s guards watched the demigods closely blocking Akira from their view, acting as a shield from any …

Arc 10 Chapter 177: A ‘Unique’ group

Upon hearing the voice of someone unknown Akira’s guards moved to surround him in order to protect him from any harm. They were ready to transform and attack if needed. The rest of his companions stood guard behind him ready to support the guards. “Wait, let’s see what they want,” said Akira in a quiet voice. A group of six …

Arc 10 Chapter 176: Dungeon break

“I guess that was a mating call… I lie! Something wants to eat us!” shouted Chack who had a thick fur armor covering his entire body to keep him warm. “Not while I am here!” shouted Zundar. “Burkin take your guards and go to the cave behind us. You should wait there until we can take care of this problem. …

arc 10 Chapter 175: Head south!

“Why has the plan changed into something like this?” asked Akira. “We need more allies and trading partners. Yuki and Nollan already agreed to guide you to each of the larger tribes on the way south to their capital IsKald. There should be no problem with it as long as you don’t spend too much time at each of the …