Arc 6 Chapter 93: Map reading adventure

They rode on the top of Blues large head in the small house that had been built for special guests. Only a few select people were allowed to travel with him. Inside the small house were several large beds fit for royalty and the large pantry had enough food stored inside to last over a year. They were thankful for …

Arc 6 Chapter 92: Departure

Akira was in no hurry to exit the pool and decided to test out the old looking bracelet. He reverted back into his human form after checking his surroundings for enemies and then put the bracelet on his left hand. Nothing happened. The bracelet had three empty sockets each with a different color, one blue, one red, and one green. …

Arc 6 Chapter 91: Kapoom

The small group of mermaid warriors had already reached the outskirts of the Kapoom volcano near the deserted city of Seabenleaken but they didn’t move any closer since there were numerous guards near the volcanoes entrance. Of the 100 warriors that had set out to fight only 80 were uninjured from the fight with the sharkmen not including Akira and …

Arc 6 Chapter 90: The most beautiful thing under the ocean

The weakened siren opened her mouth to try and speak but the mermaid warrior next to her hurriedly covered her mouth stopping her from using her voice to try and hypnotize them. “We will not allow you to use any of your tricks. If you want your life to be more comfortable, speak clearly or we’ll force it out of …

Arc 6 Chapter 89: Dungeon investigation

 “What did you find that was so important that you left your post and chased after it?” asked Orman. “Sir, we found out It was one of those blasted sirens that led the attack on us while you were inside clearing the dungeon. If you think about it all the earlier attacks might have been controlled by them as well” …

Arc 6 Chapter 88: Just a bit of spring cleaning

Akira and Varbu stood at the gates near the palace inspecting their armor and weapons one last time as they waited for Mileena and Maya to get ready for the days hunt. According to the mermaid palace workers it was early morning, but Akira wouldn’t be able to tell if it was or not due to being so deep underwater …

Arc 6 Chapter 87: Thanks and preparations for a hunt

Akira was still for several moments as he read the messages that popped up. He quickly put the bonus skill points into his usual three stats. “Sir are you all right?” asked one of the mermaid warriors as he swam past the dead monster towards Akira. In the short time that Akira had stayed in the mermaid city, he had …

Arc 6 Chapter 86: Ten Tickles

Akira and the others waited at the tables for the two mermaids to return. When they did, they found that the princess was missing. “She escaped again did she?” asked Profus letting out a long sigh. “The last few months she has been quite rebellious after learning about how her father died,” said Chatterbox. “Was it bad?” asked Akira. “The …

Arc 6 Chapter 85: Problems under the sea

It was hard for Akira and the rest of the group to walk around due to being surrounded by water. The pressure that Akira thought he would feel from being so deep underwater was nowhere to be found and the city had an odd sense of gravity that weighed their bodies down allowing them to at least walk in a …

Arc 6 Chapter 84: Under the sea

They were in a real pickle. They were slowly sinking down and unable to get to the surface with arrows raining down from above them and now they had the misfortune of attracting several large sea monsters. Even if they could reach the surface they would be sitting ducks for the approaching ships that were slowing down and searching the …