Arc 1 Chapter 3: Life lessons

“Don’t misbehave, and listen to your tutor while you’re out in the city. This is also a part of your lessons, not for you to play around. Marc, you are the oldest so you are to help out and make sure everyone behaves,” Brutus ordered. It was early morning. The three boys and their tutor stood at the front gate …

Arc 1 Chapter 2: Capital City

Year 686. Akira, Rodger, and Marc had been living in the capital city for a little over a month due to Brutus’s work during the fall months. The king had prepared luxurious guest rooms in the castle for them to stay in. It was currently a cool early morning, which meant that the three boys were training alone with lead-filled …

Arc 1 Chapter 1: History

Year 685. The rain was pouring down, drenching everything outside. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed in the distance. A middle-age knight stood under a tree, holding his soaked cloak over his head as he tried to keep himself dryer than the ground around him. The cold wind had other ideas and blew the rain at him from all over. He …

Chapter 0: Maps and pictures

This is where I will be posting Maps and other pictures related to the story.In the future, I might update the map and give it more details. For now though, I think it’s good enough.I don’t have many pictures to post right now, but I will later on into the story. This map is of the continent Halrverold around Year …