Chapter 60 – Top 16

“Tsk, tsk, simply not there yet,” Luon said as he was sharpening his blade. While he was doing so a familiar groaning sound resonated in the surroundings, the source of this noise was Tyron, Gizmo, and Bendan laying defeated on the ground. The R Zero Program with Lin was over as Luon, and the rest of the members had successfully …

Chapter 59 – King Of The Ring

Groans of several men echo throughout the surroundings of a courtyard, if someone didn’t know what the facility was beforehand they could easily mistake it as several ghosts haunting a graveyard. The perpetrator to this mess stood firmly before these poor folks as she said, “All right, get up now this was our last lesson. There still some room for …

Chapter 58 – Mastering The Gear

‘How is this possible? Her use of the NG-Arms was too profound,’ thought Luon as he laid on the ground exhausted. Only after battling with Lin did the group realized their ineptitude. She expertly dodged their disorganized attacks and retaliated by hitting their weak points. The moment they thought they had her, she somehow accelerated past the group as if …

Chapter 57 – Zero Delta Center

The Zero Delta Center, if Zekar’s trading district was considered the lighter, the well renown part of the underworld, then the Zero Delta Center is the darker side of it. Although Zekar was the figurehead of the underworld, all he could do is manage it, there were some parts that even he couldn’t change, and that was the human heart. …

Chapter 56 – Qualifiers 4

“Hahahaha,” laughter came from Bendan and Gizmo after they had heard from their classmates what they were all laughing about. Once Luon and the others were settled back into their seats they asked what was so funny and their classmates told them just to watch the replay of their match. At first, the first several minutes of the match was …

Chapter 55 – Qualifiers 3

“Where did I go wrong? How could this have happened,” Qi Ren asked himself as he began to panic. After all, right at this moment, he was all alone. His soldiers had fallen, and his tricks and traps were easily countered. The enemy was only a few moments away from him. “There’s no way this is happening! A few minutes …

Chapter 54 – Qualifiers 2

At Team C Delta Plus’s base, a young man frowned due to the intel he had received from the interception line. One of his soldiers had fallen due to his idiocy thus weakening his forces by a considerable amount. It wasn’t because the man was ridiculously strong or anything like that. It was because the gear he had on was …

Chapter 53 – Qualifiers 1

The selector stopped upon on a team name he wasn’t familiar with, but when he saw the team get up and teleported to the preparation room, Luon wryly smiled. The team was Team Tiger Force, and the person leading it was that tiger beastmen Luon’s team battle against during their first commander class. Luon had to admit that at the …

Chapter 52 – Selection Qualifications

“The selection process has several different stages,” said Helen as he projected a blank holographic screen. The screen showed a significant amount of white empty space with the class number written down in the center, NU242. “To qualify for the Alliance Tournament, you must first reach the basic requirement of having passed the qualifiers. During the Alliance Tournament, the matches …

Chapter 51 – Engineering Madhouse

Luon rushed into the shop at the fastest speed possible and looked at the time on his BMPU, he then said out loud, “Saffeeeee!” Zekar who was at the desk frowned and said, “No, you’re out. Even though the time shown on the clock says that you’re exactly on time you’re actually late. If you checked the numbers in seconds …