Chapter 163 – Second Person

The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed and light. Perhaps it was because I was able to somewhat ‘resolve’ one chain from my past. I never expected that I could do it this way. I finally gained closure. I hope Nicole felt the same way, too. As I stretched my body in good mood, Fenrir’s voice suddenly resounded in …

Chapter 162 – Nicole and Reinst

While I was talking to Fenrir, I saw Nicole went from standing to be slumped on the ‘ground’—the white ‘ground’ where we all walked on. As she did so, her hands covered her face. She looked very different from the usually cheerful and confident Nicole that I knew. The side of her that she showed to the world. As for …

Chapter 161 – Best Friend

“…ey.” “…Hey.” Hearing Fenrir’s voice so close to me, I opened my eyes and I was surprised to see myself standing instead of lying down sleeping like what I last remembered. When I looked at my surrounding, I was in a familiar environment. Everything around me was all white. Even the ground I was standing on—it was white. Fenrir was …

Chapter 160 – Staying in the Loera Residence

Day 5, the last day of the week for school…finally arrived. As promised, all of us would be returning back with Ein today. I was really nervous when I had to welcome this day, but as time went on, the nervousness disappeared and what I thought was ‘meh, whatever.’ Since there would be so many of us, Ein’s family prepared …

Chapter 159 – First Step to the Plan!

We were spending the break time as usual. Eating together while talking with one another. Today was the same as well. But now, it was just us, the ones who were in Intermediate Level: me, Iris, Carbuncle, Luca, Kiri, Briar, Dmitria, Valerie, and Ein. Being the first day of the school, the topic revolved around how our brains still in …

Chapter 158 – Where Do Familiars Stay?

I learned a lot more about Familiars after having Fenrir by my side. It was true that experience taught us the most. During the little remaining holiday, Fenrir was introduced to the other Familiars in the family, including Fenix who normally dwelled in the royal castle. Surprisingly, they clicked the most! School started shortly after that. Normally, I would feel …

Chapter 157 – Confiding About Past Life

Later that night, I walked to my room, followed by Fenrir as usual. But before he entered the room and when I just walked into the room, I sensed him stopping, so I turned around with my questioning look. “Why are you sitting over there?” I asked. “…I’m wondering if I should sleep over there or if I’ll have my …

Chapter 156 – I Have A Familiar!

The sun was setting when we returned to the Flugel residence, which meant we were pretty late from our intended schedule. Our respective guardian should be arriving soon. Which meant, we gotta hurry up. Dmitria and Valerie went to put the monsters we took care of in their respective place, while the rest of us returned back to the main …

Chapter 155 – Overcoming A Trial

When I regained my consciousness, I opened my eyes straight away. The first thing I felt was how light my eyelids were, which might be a good indicator as the last few times I felt a heavy sensation, nothing good came of it… And what came to my field of vision almost caused me to scream or faint. A very …

Chapter 154 – To Silent Forest

After making up my mind, it wasn’t as if I was relieved right away. I was still nervous. I meant, what if I had to fight the beast who sent me here? I was no longer Lyra who had great magic power. My swordsmanship…Sure, I still remembered them, but what if they were lacking? Thus, I spent what little time …