Chapter 3: Shi Zi Shan

One should know that this was Xiao Bei’s first adventure. Usually, whenever Xiao Bei faced any difficulty, he would cower and retreat. He always felt inferior when compared with Yang Chen, though he himself did not notice. Maybe it was due to his lifestyle? Ever since he graduated from University, the pressures of society came down on him, remodeling him, …

Chapter 2: Tomb

“It’s that cat,” Xiao Bei said. He had continued, talking of the peculiarity, wondering whether this cat followed Yang Chen back from overseas. Yang Chen was shocked as he saw Xiao Bei’s straight face as he spoke. Snapping out of it, he remembered that this morning, during their breakfast, Xiao Bei recounted that on the previous night, he had been …

Chapter 1: The Black Cat

Next morning. Near the entrance of a district, Xiao Bei was with Yang Chen, eating youtiao and drinking soy milk along one side of a deserted street. Yang Chen was Xiao Bei’s friend from the university. After graduating, he had been working overseas. This year, it wasn’t easy for him to make a trip back. “Are you sure? A black …


This year’s unemployment rate was much higher than the last. The biting cold winter wind also caused the unemployment rate to rise by a step higher. XiaoBei tightly wrapped his coat around his body, but the chill just crept through. “This damn weather!” XiaoBei muttered a curse. Suddenly, he felt that he had banged into something. Lifting his head up …