Chapter 82 – The First Test (xii)

——————————————– The fist sized round orb flew towards the completely unconcerned killing machine that was the current Chui. As people tried to flee the area, like a demon he would swiftly descend upon them before slaughtering them in a myriad of gruesome ways. Seeing this, the already enraged Elder White Snow took out three more orbs and sent them to …

Chapter 81 – The First Test (xi)

Enraged, Chui’s body started emitting heavy killing intent. “You actually think you can mess with me with your cheap tricks? It looks like I need to make you understand your place in this world before taking my five star fruit.” He roared. Zilan’s eyes turned emotionless as he glared at the approaching Chui. “I’ve already given you what you wanted.” …

Chapter 80 – The First Test (x)

The trio of Zilan, Kifo and Fujo, having learned a lesson proceeded with utmost caution as they traversed the forest. Under the combination of Kifo and Zilan’s vigilant gazes the group did not come across any other surprises. Instead, they drifted back to their treasure hunter mode. Occasionally they’d run into other participants, especially the older ones who did not …

Chapter 79 – The First Test (ix)

Zilan’s tongue coiled around the piece of broken arm, carefully trying to ascertain if his theory was correct. He closed his eyes, concentrating only on the piece before finally swallowing it down. Being a cultivator his stomach was naturally much tougher than ordinary beings thus the fluids quickly did away with the piece, destroying it almost instantly. However, a faint …

Chapter 78 – The First Test (viii)

The trio moved silently for quite some time. The atmosphere as expected was heavy but the cause was not at all related to the pressure of the forest. Obviously, both Zilan and Kifo were annoyed as well as disappointed by the actions of Fujo’s companions however, they could not voice their thoughts because they understood the young Masters background. If …

Chapter 77 – The First Test (vii)

As soon as the great wave that is Kifo’s Beast force entered the formation, the revolving inscriptions suddenly began rising into the air. Like a living serpent they began to coil and link up forming a long almost twenty foot chain of powerful energy. The giant chain quickly closed in on the eerie white pine tree before slowly wrapping around …

Chapter 76 – The First Test (vi)

The audience staring at the screen could not understand Zilan’s inscriptions and at the same time the Elders were frozen in shock. However, despite the awe-inspiring display of technique and knowledge, no one could identify the reason for the inscriptions. “This child isn’t simple.” Whispered Elder White Snow. “Junior Amani, what is he trying to do?” Amani smiled wryly before …

Chapter 75 – The First Test (v)

On the spectators platform, thousands of Alchemy Association members were currently staring at the giant light screen in front of them. Displayed on it were dozens of small screens each periodically shifting through coverage of the test participants actions. In the middle of these smaller screens was a much larger screen that depicted the movements of the people who were …

Chapter 74 – The First Test (iv)

Two miles to cultivators was initially a short distance so with the added motivation of finding a treasure the group’s speed doubled. Soon, bushes and trees with gold, purple and green leaves came into view. It was truly an interesting sight as the sun rays that reflected against them caused stunning colours to flicker above. Seeing this, Zilan was almost …

Chapter 73 – The First Test (iii)

While Fujo and his friends caught up, Zilan slowly walked towards Kifo. “Hehe, climb this tree for me.” Ordered Zilan while smirking. He had just remembered something. “Why?” “Don’t worry about all of that. Climb and use your perception to look for a clearing with lots of purple, gold and green leaves. They don’t need to be closely packed together, …