Chapter 42 – Trade (ii)

Zilan had long since planned to use the fact that he was of a much rarer and Ancient bloodline to his advantage if he was ever faced with a situation that called for it. The aura he exuded was undoubtedly that of the Spring Dragon however, the Jaguar was not at the level where he could closely examine and differentiate …

Chapter 41 – Trade (i)

“So who is it you wish to learn from?” asked Jeza as she leaned on a nearby tree to rest. Zilan who was following behind scanned the area with his eyes before squatting down and using the time to catch his breath. “I don’t know his name. I’m only familiar with his work!” The duo had started trekking three days …

Chapter 40 – Doubts and the Lands

“I don’t think I have to mention that lying to me would be beyond foolish.” stated Hertic. “I would never dream of deceiving High Priest. I had set up a stall…………” Chai didn’t keep anything from Hertic, telling every single thing he and Zilan had spoken about before he finally handed him the ginseng. Using the eyes of Velman, Hertic …

Chapter 39 – Choose

“The wish I want?” wondered Jeza. “Yes. If it’s information on what exactly happened to your brother then I can get it for you.” Zilan then paused as he waited for Jeza to react. “Thank you…I…_” “Wait!” stopping her from continuing, Zilan then resumed speaking. “If that is what you want then it will be done however, once that’s over …

Chapter 38 – Journey

Two weeks had now passed since Zilan and Jeza’s escape. After gaining access to Ficha’s memories, Zilan had learnt of the trap Jibral was planning on setting. Therefore after meeting up with Jeza, who happened to know a secret passage way, they immediately left the city. Unfortunately though, that did not mean that they were no longer in danger. Instead, …

Chapter 37 – The Three Letters

Two hours after, Jibral had finally returned from quarrelling with the higher-ups of Morning Dew City. He didn’t know why but the entire time he was away, he felt that something was off and now that he had returned that feeling only grew stronger. He quickly went into the Dual winged sparrow with the intention of discussing this with Ficha …

Chapter 36 – Message (iv)

“Shiur?” wondered Ficha as he sent away all of the black robed men in the restaurant. He then calmly stood up and opened the front door to meet Shiur. “Why has young master come to my place at this time?” inquired Ficha. “I’m sorry for the disturbance Senior, I know that you’re closed but there’s something I need your assistance …

Chapter 35 – Message (iii)

After a few hours passed, Zilan was finally able to finish his own custom Ancestral Heritage pill. It was circular in shape, cold to the touch and its exterior was entirely light blue. However rather than resting for a little while, Zilan did the complete opposite by picking up a new set of ingredients and slowly refining them with the …

Chapter 34 – Message (ii)

“When I got there, everything was destroyed! Elder Tort and Fourth Brother were already dead.” whispered Jeza. Zilan stared at the two corpses laying in front of him for a long time before sighing and going back to his work. Needless to say, Jeza was shocked and understandably angry. “How can you be so heartless? I know you know that …

Chapter 33 – Message (i)

Path of Blood Chapter 33 – Message (i). Blood continued to flow down Zilan’s cheeks. The pain from the spell collapsing was nothing compared to the anguish his heart was going through right now. Memories of the months that followed after he was captured kept flowing into his brain. He was tortured and beaten by people with One , Two …