Chapter 12: new birth

(Lenia’s POV) Being born is not a simple process, but being born from the life of another? The pain was excruciating, but eventually, the pain receded and consciousness was obtained, a new life had indeed been born. She opened her eyes for the first time. Adjusting her newly formed eyes to the light was difficult, but she soon gained focus. It was …

Chapter 11: the passionate (k)night (3)

Once the body was sculpted, there still remained much to do. For now, she was a body without a personality, and the soul still needed to be shaped properly as well. The person she was no longer existed, not in body nor in mind. He continued his efforts to shape her by shifting through the menus in his mind, looking through …

Chapter 10: the passionate (k)night (2)

Numbers, symbols, and words flashed across Aleksandros’s retina. Something only he could see. The woman before him was not aware of this, and she shirked back slightly at his words. “What… what do you want me to do?” She didn’t plan to say that so nervously, but she couldn’t hide the concern in her voice. The man noticed her concern …

Chapter 9: the passionate (k)night (1)

Andor’s Edge, a city built along the great Andor river. This river stretched for thousands of miles and stood as a gateway between the North and South of the vast continent of Lotheran. Because of its central position along the river, Andor’s Edge was an important and prosperous city of trade. Its wealth lined the pockets of many merchants as …

Chapter 8: the birth of a soul eater

A loud gunshot broke through his strange mental state. It was closer than he expected and the sound of angels disappeared from his mind. Instead, he heard the scream of a young girl. He turned his head and watched as his sister fell from her horse and tumbled roughly across the ground. “NO!!” Aleks shouted, pulling the reins of his …

Chapter 7: Why do i care?

Aleksandros had spent much of his time studying and was especially interested in magic despite not being able to use magic himself. Strangely enough, he appeared to have no real talent as a wizard or warrior unlike his prodigy of a father. It didn’t stop him from studying as much as he could about it. Magic guns were something that …

Chapter 6: the one who can’t escape its fate

“We must hurry and escape. Run as far away as possible. We must not remain here, no matter what. We must escape!” Shelise had never seen her brother speak so passionately or show such emotion before. She couldn’t speak for a moment due to the shock of seeing her brother’s strange actions. “Are you listening to me!?” Aleksandros shouted, probably …

Chapter 5: The curse rears its ugly head

It wasn’t long before they rode to war. Aleksandros watched his father, the Duke of Ianice, and the many nobles under him riding in splendor with all of their knights and levies. Their most elite soldiers wore shining and gleaming mail that glistened in the sunlight. Even the levies were excellently equipped with new oiled leather armor and well-sharpened blades. …

Chapter 4: onset of a cursed life

“You should have the honors, brother.” The man in a strange silvery metallic and flexible suit nodded. There was only a slight hesitation before the man gathered his resolve and approached the button which would start this wondrous tower they had built over an entire lifetime of hard work and dedication. There were many that looked on in rapt attention. …

Chapter 3: An end and a beginning

“Do you feel regret? Or perhaps guilt at what you’ve done?” asked the faceless being. “None, do you?” The soul returned the question right back at the being knowing there wouldn’t be any substantial response. No matter what the soul did, it didn’t seem to affect the being much. This seemingly infuriating carefree attitude only served to annoy the ‘Soul …