Chapter 359 – Get ’em!

Damn this horde, damn it to its monstrous, scaly core. I’ve been at this for hours now, engaged in an endless tug of war with Setsulah mage servants, and to a lesser extent, their hidden master who remains tucked somewhere in the centre of the slowly moving monster mass. Thankfully Garralosh hasn’t reared her ugly head again. When I felt …

chapter 357 – Council councils

“How’d it go Tungstant?” Cobalt asked. The carver ant slumped into the council chamber, exhausted but with a glimmer in her eye that suggested she was more energetic than she appeared. “Well enough I suppose” The small ant replied, dragging her tired front claws across her antennae. “Will she be able to move more freely now?” Antionette asked, her concern …

Chapter 356 – Dangerous games

Blinded and frantic,  I ran as fast as I could away from the horde (I hoped) whilst Tiny bounded alongside. As I stumbled and tripped over what felt like every obstacle, bump and uneven patch of ground on my path, I tried to lunge left and right to avoid the fireballs and other spells that continued to be flung my …

Chapter 355 – Lightning Crashes

On a nearby rise to the side of the road, Isaac and his archers had appeared, each one bending their bows and taking aim at the mage slaves. As the arrows sped through the air, the mages were forced to split their attention, raising barriers to defend themselves from the barrage whilst maintaining their own offensive. Some of the mages …

Chapter 354 – Timely Intervention

I’m not a fan of magic fences at the best of times, but when I’m trying to break out of an encircling horde of thousands of monsters I really don’t want to see one. So my first thought when I saw a wall of golden light appear in front of me was ‘oh plops’. Because it didn’t take a genius …

Chapter 353 – Go time

With the Wizard Lizard and its collection of friendly mage slaves occupied with drenching the gigantic croc in their midst with mana, now seems like the perfect time to rip into the horde. Claws crossed they won’t be able to divert their attention towards us whilst engaged in this sort of activity. [Let’s**** ’em hard!] I roared at my pets …

chapter 352 – tempting fate

Isaac and his squad packed their stuff and we began to mosey our way to the back of the horde. It takes an hour of careful movement, creeping where we can and trying to prevent the monsters from seeing us. The entire time I kept an eye on the sky, worried that any second a dark cloud would form and …

chapter 351 – the final stretch begins

*EDIT – Posted the wrong text in this chapter. Fixed 25-11* After exiting the Dungeon I was able to see that the evacuation of the forward HQ had already begun. Hundreds of ants, perhaps as many as a thousand, were rushing this way and that, digging, lifting and generally getting things done everywhere he looked. A long trail had already …

Chapter 350 – Dignity of the eldest

My core still hurts and it’s starting to worry me. After gaining some levels and exercising the pain has diminished to the point where I don’t notice it so much on a conscious level. It just stings. Sitting in the small Dungeon chamber and feeling the mana flow in, I’m starting to worry about pushing to absorb the full rare …

Chapter 349 – cradle of the end times

The role of the Brood Tender seemed straight forward enough. It was mostly in the name, after all. The Brood consisted of the unhatched eggs, the larvae and the pupae that were the future generations of the colony and ensuring that they were cared for in as optimal a way as possible was the Brood Tenders primary responsibility. “How goes …