chapter 248 – i mutate therefore i itch

Ho God! What the heck is this overwhelming itchiness!? From what depths of skin irritant hell did Gandalf find this sensation? My body is fire! My mind is breaking! Why am I the only one who seems to be bothered by this? When Tiny spends Biomass he barely twitches and Crinis doesn’t have a face so I can’t tell what …

chatper 247 – changer of ways

Right then. For the time being, my skills had been dealt with. Now for the juicy bit. The Biomass. But first. [Crinis…] When she received my mental communication the little ball shrinks in on herself, withdrawing her stalk until she’s almost touching the ground. [Um… Y… yes? Master?] she stammers. … [Is there something you want to tell me? Has …

chapter 246 – changing ways

When you spend your entire life learning to kill something, then killing that thing, it’s awfully hard to turn around and refuse those instincts, Morrelia reflected. Thinking back to her childhood, the long days spent drilling skills with her brother in the practice court whilst Mother watched, laughing at their exuberance. When her father was home he would take them …

chapter 245 – gathering thoughts

All work and no play makes Anthony, something, something. Things have been way too busy! I need some rest! Not to mention they’re only going to get more busy from this point… I need to help the humans out a little, get them up and running so they can look after themselves, especially now it looks like there will be …

chapter 244 – battle of unity

The frustrating thing about a battle such as this, where the numbers on both sides were relatively high and the fight was spread over a wider front, was just how hard it was to keep track of what was taking place. My senses were overwhelmed on every front. Heat was thick in air from the exertion of thousands of bodies, …

chapter 243- the troops arrive

Nineteen of the Ancients rose during the Cataclysm, The Rending. They were nurtured in the heart of this world, the oldest beings of the Dungeon, they were old long before the Dungeon broke the surface. In darkness they had battled whilst the people of the surface were taking the first steps on the path to civilisation. Their power was overwhelming. …

Chapter 242: The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

“RAAA!” Morrelia bellowed and her muscles bunched and shifted beneath her skin before she stabbed her hand out once more. To describe it as a stab wouldn’t be doing it justice. The strength, the control, the sheer force of that strike went beyond what I had imagined was possible. As if she were cutting apart the very air, the sword …

Chapter 241 – sudden attack

The monsters came from the north. They swept south in a hungry pack, seeking, destroying and devouring everything in their path like a tide of beastly Vikings. As the monsters drew closer their snarling and growls rang louder in the peoples ears and panic quickly raced across their faces. The fear spread so quickly from person to person around me, …

chapter 240 – learnings and worship

We stand now on the brink of the final ascension. There is tremendous fear amongst the people now, but also great anticipation. Such a momentous moment in history, the ambition of it still takes my breath away. Who else but we would ever dream of something like this? None of the other peoples would have the mettle, the commitment, to …

chapter 239 – the priest

Morrelia blinks a few times. [You can’t seriously expect me to accept that]. This is one stubborn person. [We’ve already established that you won’t accept anything I say]. Her eyes narrow. [Then would you answer a few questions?] It’s amazing how patient everyone is being watching this. I have a crowd of people standing about watching a woman stare at …