chapter 218 – skirmish conclusion

More fireballs fly out of the distance and impact against my water domain, sending massive gouts of steam hissing into the air and further reducing visibility. In front of me, buffeted and soaked by the frothing mass of water than makes up my water domain, the double croc lunges forward with its massive jaws. SNAP! Yikes! Leaping to the left …

chapter 217 – feast of croc

What is experience? Where does it come from? Where does it go? Ever since the System descended on our world, scholars priests and wise ones all over the world have sought to understand it. Class progressions have been mapped out, skill trees have been researched and codified endlessly. Many aspects of the system are thoroughly understood and form the curriculum …

chapter 216 – magical ant

As my first victim languishes within my spell that is quite literally trying to pull it apart in every direction, I turn my attention to the rest of the monsters coming our way. So far there are six Titan Crocs and three of the larger Double Crocs who need dealing with. Come to me, you leathery chumps! I’m not holding …

chapter 215 – the new croc on the block

[“Eat up gang, not long until the next wave is here”] I warn my troops. Crinis has already eaten of course, stuffing her face with ten Crocas and an entire Titan Croc. If I get my hands on that dimensional stomach during my next evolution I swear I’ll dance for a week straight. I’m so envious! Also, where the heck …

chapter 214 – battle begins

The smaller croca beasts look quite apprehensive to be approaching the grasping tentacles of death but with their larger cousins pressing them from behind they have little choice but to continue to approach. Crinis has spread her net of tentacles in a ten metre arc towards the approaching foes, her tremor sense giving her some idea of the positioning of …

chapter 213 – contact

The Marsh Expanse is still teeming with monstrous life. I can see moneters creeping out of connected tunnels, making their way deeper into the recesses in order to meet up with whatever is compelling their behaviour. Even without the steady trickly of captive beasts there is plenty of stuff to fight around us. The ever present, ever hungry flora dots …

chapter 212 – assault begins

The new evolution has certainly seen a massive rise in Vibrant’s stats! And some of her organs look incredibly unique. The command organ? Did she get that from being a special ant from birth? Gah! I should have investigated her core ages ago! That’s what I get for not being curious enough! “How do you feel Vibrant?” “Great!” she cheers. …

chapter 211 – farewell surface

[How long will you be gone for?] Enid asks worriedly. [As long as it takes to remove the threat] I reply. This is why I don’t like coming up here to the human camp. No sooner did I appear than people started gathering and pointing. Then the priest came at a run, his face flushed with excitement and began exhorting …

chapter 210 – the a(nt) team

Eventually, the horrific itching fades, and I scramble back to my feet and cast my eyes about to see who was witnessing my fervent rolling. Thankfully it appears that mother retreated once she was sure all of the noise wasn’t related to some threat or danger of any kind, and my pets are too busy with their own mutations to …

chapter 209 – the state of play

Muahahaha! With over a hundred points to spend, I’m feeling slightly giddy. What to  go for first? Currently I’ve upgraded eyes to +7 and acid to +6, so I may as well finish those off first, that’ll take a significant chunk out of my points already. [Would you like to upgrade Focused Eyes to +10 and Restrictive Acid to +10? …