chapter 208 – compression obsession

As the rather explosive effect of my compressed water bolt faded and the monsters began to recover themselves as more flooded into the narrow tunnel to trample over the fallen I took a little time to reflect on the success of the spell. Better that I thought, I had to say. After witnessing the effects of forceful mana spells, using …

chapter 207 – the boys (and girls) are back in town

As Tiny smashes into the front of the monster wave I can hear a voice calling from behind me. “Hey-Hey! Wait for me senior!” Vibrant…. As Crinis joins Tiny on the front lines the little ant motors down the passage behind us to quickly catch up and I sigh internally. It isn’t that we’ve been ignoring the little thing lately, …

chapter 206 – new dawn

There they are. Look at them. Peacefully sleeping for now, awaiting the day when they awake and take their first steps into the world. Shhhhhh little ones. You don’t know it yet, but the world will be your oyster. Yes it will! You will roam wherever you wish and bring prosperity to our family. Our enemies will flee before your …

chapter 205 – the world below part 5

Titus didn’t wait for the Legionaries to answer and immediately started calling names, lining everyone up before him in name order. The young soldiers were so accustomed to following his orders that doing as he said was almost instinctual. In the dim light the commander looked as impressive as always. His solid frame and clear eyes were reassuring to everyone …

Chapter 204 – the world below part 4

The rest of the new Legionaries were gathered together in a cluster at the end of their ward under the watchful eye of a few Centurions. The young soldiers felt restless. They still didn’t know how to feel towards the Legion and the seniors who had cared for and trained them for so long. The pain of the Baptism was …

chapter 203 – the world below part 3

Her hands hurt like hell. Mirryn leaned against the parapet of the Legion HQ and took in the view, resting her forearms on the stone. “How are you holding up?” a voice came nearby. Mirryn turned to see Donnelan approaching from along the wall. “Couldn’t sleep either, huh?” she asked him. “Not a chance in hell” he muttered. Neither of …

chapter 202 – the world below part 2

Titus was a renowned Legionary above and below the ground. He was known for his strength, his iron will, his leadership and his willingness to put himself in harms’ way to protect his fellows, he was a leader who never spared himself. Most of all, he was known for his unyielding sense of duty. He had sacrificed over and over …

chapter 201 – the world below part 1

Mirryn awoke with a start. Instantly wide eyed and alert she turned her head to look around her and her eyes were struck immediately by the austere white room in which she lay. She was lying on a clean bed in a small white chamber. On the roof a glowing crystal provided illumination, a clean white light that filled the …

chapter 200 – upgraded and ready to roll

The rest of the pet skills don’t interest me right now, I don’t need to take the skill to increase the number of available pets until the system refuses to allow to. I may as well try and find a third now that I have the faster pet growing skill, presumably I won’t be able to level it up unless …

Chapter 199 – Spendin’

What the heck has been going on Tiny? I mean seriously man… You haven’t upgraded anything? Haven’t spent your skill points at all? The only skill that look like you didn’t already have it is ‘fancy feet’ and what the heck does that do? Have you been dancing behind my back, have you? A little bit of tap here and …