chapter 158 – the queens curcumstance part 1

The revered Queen Verita of Liria, second of her name, defender of the frontier and upholder of the Lion tenants of her ancestors was pissed. Long had she puzzled over how the enemy had been able to gather so many more troops than she had been able to anticipate. Her closest advisors had worked with her on their strategy. The …

chapter 157 – battle to the doorstep

Forced to withdraw my Domain, the magic flickers out of existence and the drain on my Gravitational magic gland trickles to a stop. The true benefits of the bottomless gland upgrade is showing now after this extended fight. Despite casting bolts, javelins, infusing my mandibles, the bomb and the domain, my Gravitational gland is kicking along at well over half …

chapter 156 – into the palace

There is a stunned silence around after the Gravity Bomb flickers out of existence. The first thing I hear breaking the peace is a *thud*. Twitching to one side I notice that the priest has fallen to knees, followed by the rest of the villagers. The soldiers are looking at me strangely also, their faces set in cold masks behind …

chapter 155 – gateway

Having regrouped the Queens Guard have positioned themselves to strike together. Weapons drawn they form a row ten across and as one stab forward with their swords. Instantly ten beams of sword light flash through the air, impacting against the mercenaries who are knocked off their feet by the impact. With the constant force of the Gravity Spear dragging at …

chapter 154 – premiums are going way up

The Queens’ Guard and I charge down the cobbled roads. I depend on the guidance of the soldiers to point me in the right direction when we occasionally have to turn. The citizens are screaming and fleeing out of our way everywhere we go. To be honest, even if there wasn’t a monster here they would probably do the same …

chapter 153 – assault on the surface

I took a long rest, being careful that I didn’t slip into torpor. It would be a little too risky to nap here with Queen once more amongst her soldiers. After four hours the Queen once more approached me to re-establish the mind bridge. Apparently mind magic is fairly common amongst diplomats, governors and rulers. Although most smaller states such …

chapter 152 – a tunnel is always the answer

After that the crowd was quickly pacified and I was relieved the Queen didn’t secretly sic the people on me. As we agreed she and I remained close to each other as we moved into the next phase of the plan. With the people pacified and at the same time directed against her enemies the Queen wants to turn her …

chapter 151 – fall like dominos

There is some debate about the largest monster in the Dungeon. For me, I can’t understand the obsession most scholars in this field have with labels and lists. “Dungeons most deadly monster”, “Biggest monster in the Dungeon”, “Top five most horrifying undead in the Dungeon”. Published works such as these seem more interested in grabbing peoples’ attention  rather than serious …

chapter 150 – the case for cooperation

I’m no longer human, I get that, but coming from my world, I understand things like the sanctity of life. Even those soldiers that were killed by Tiny, justified as I felt ordering their deaths due to the massacre of my family, my stomach still twists thinking about whether those soldiers had families themselves, children, wives, parents. Mindless killing serves …

chapter 149 – desperate times

Is this some form of ritual suicide now?! Offering oneself up as Biomass for monsters? Or have the people decided to cast off their elderly as a sacrifice to appease the mighty ant kingdom? The older people are the most scrawny among you! If you want to offer Biomass then at least throw in some fatties! Wait! What am I …