Chapter 45: Granted.

I secretly asked myself before agreeing with him. What His Majesty said was not wrong. I had never trusted him from the very beginning. Things like trust could not be obtained without deep affections and going through life and death together. Even though I had been in his arms for such a long time, I never really trusted him. His …

Chapter 44: The Matter of Trust.

Yi Wang was a diabolical person. If I might say so myself, he was the type that refused to see others living well if he could not. After he was tied and presented before us, he turned to Xiao Huang and knelt in front of him, “Your Majesty, this official has forsaken your trust. It is no longer possible for …

Chapter 43: The Digging of Ancestral Tomb.

I had to say, Yi Wang picked the right location. We were at a pretty sloping terrain. There was a cotton field behind us; they could march in to fight enemies and could easily retreat and disappear into the field if the circumstances proved to be unfavorable for them. The Great Qi’s soldiers were imposing and solemn; they were wearing …

Chapter 42: The Seal’s Whereabout.

Yi Wang was a far-sighted person who originally hailed from a political clan. He was already well-acquainted with the ‘kill the fowl to warn the monkey’ method ever since he was young. The sound of screaming could be heard from outside the window. I clutched my ears, having no problem trying to go back to sleep. ——- At this moment, …

Chapter 41: Father’s Illegitimate Child.

After I promised Uncle Tong I would live a peaceful life, I went to bed and woke up in an unfamiliar place. My hands and feet were tied in a dead knot and I was lying on a hard bed. Under the lantern’s light, I could see a figure next to me. A young Daoist nun was sleeping while hugging …

Chapter 40: Diligence was Virtue.

Xiao Huang’s bare arm was glistening with sweat as he carried a shovel to clean the accumulated manure in the stable that had not been cleaned for a very long time. There were streams of sweat on his back, one that disappeared after flowing down the waistband of his pants. E Huang dragged me by my arm, “Your Ladyship, this …

Chapter 39: A Mountain Cannot Accommodate Two Tigers.

Money was tight and Uncle Tong was obviously a traitor. I was scared that Feng Zhao Wen would suddenly release a marriage decree and ruined my dream to be a common person. I had to step up my effort to earn money. Every day, I would run around the capital to make living; little did I know of the problem …

Chapter 38: One Ought to Reciprocate Another’s Action.

The next day, I personally oversaw the maids pushing a brand new cart. I watched them while carrying a jar of wine myself; circling around restaurants in the bustling streets of the capital. That morning alone, we made 15 liang. I knew the emperor would be unhappy with the news, so I bought 500 coins worth of pastry and ordered …

Chapter 37: Smelling the Aroma.

The Great Chen’s tomb was located in the western part of the capital. The southwestern part of the tomb housed the founding emperor and ministers of the Great Chen. Because of the war, a lot of the ministers did not get their wish to return to this burial land. Father and Uncle Yan were the late emperor’s trusted aides. When …

Chapter 36: Livelihood was a Big Problem.

In the evening, the emperor wanted to leave and was bidding Uncle Tong farewell in the entrance gate. I held Uncle Tong’s arm as I waved at Feng Zhao Wen, “Be careful on the way back, Your Majesty! If you have free time, come to my place to play!” Feng Zhao Wen narrowed his eyes, “You are not coming with …