Chapter 74- Ambush Part 1

KMega6KMegacharacter was taken back by the amount of damage he had just taken. There were a few prerequisites for enraging an animal; attacking one of their young for example.

In his case though, it was dismemberment. This made the animal even more dangerous in terms of speed or damage, but it also limits it to simple attack patterns.

However, this applied to animals, not lesser demons.

When it widely opened its jaws, KMega immediately knew that it wasn’t to yell because he had been in a lot of fights.


Dodge, roll, block, counterattack. KMega had long since given up on a fast fight with his great sword. It’s attack power was impressive, but it was too slow and could be easily countered.

There was also the fact that one hit decreased his health by sixty percent, but he lost another thirty percent from close calls, near escapes, and barely endured blocks. His armor was in shambles, his shield was bent and buckled, and his short sword was broken and stabbed halfway into the eye of the bear. With what little strength KMega had left, he barely managed to get behind the bear’s back before jumping away as the bear fell down to the ground and rolled.

Only allowed on

As he predicted, the bear rolled where he anticipated and looked up at him.

When KMega jumped, he did a one eighty with his body before he pointed his shield at the short sword sticking out of its eye.


[You have created a new shield bash move that has never been seen before. Damage will multiply if the move drives an object into another object.


Stats: Causes a stun effect that multiplies by two based on the drop height. Damage will increase by 100% or more when driving in an object from a fall at least three feet or higher.

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From 15, it will cause an earthquake that damages in x5 drop height range and 150% magic damage. From a height greater than 1000 feet, you will sunder the world and change the terrain.

Please name the move!]


KMega thought about it for a moment before laughing to himself.

“Moon pile driver!” (KMega)


[You have created the ‘signature move’, Moon pile driver. The growth rate of this move will increase rapidly when used less often and less under the public eye. If you go past the 5 public use max, then you will lose the mystery bonus and have a normal growth rate. As the creator of this move, you will retain ‘master’ status until you are defeated with a move that is similar. Achieve 2 or more ‘master’ status moves and you can create your own fighting style.]


As he was reading the message, he let his guard down in his amusement.

His vision then suddenly went black.


[You have been attacked by an enemy spy. Since a hero doesn’t easily perish against his enemies, you have been rendered unconscious. The bounty marker from the Markwell Empire has been removed until you are confirmed alive. You have also lost your ‘epic’ Noble Great Sword.]


It then took him a moment to read the message before he finally reacted.

“Wait, what?!” (KMega)

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