This is a modern urban fantasy novel that seamlessly blends elements of city life, workplace rivalry, and romantic adventure. The book narrates the tale of an ostensibly ordinary street vendor named Caelan Dwayne, who serendipitously marries the stunningly beautiful and equally intelligent group CEO, Serena Rivers. In the face of corporate intrigue, underworld vendettas, and a relentless series of crises, the enigmatic Caelan Dwayne solves them with his clandestine capabilities, and dramatically reshaping the very fabric of the glamorous and supremely powerful beauty queen CEO's erstwhile frigid and solitary existence...
【What to expect】:
This is a fascinating urban-fantasy story, not only centered around the funny of life between the main characters, but also including the adventure about corporate intrigue, underworld vendettas, and a relentless series of crises. The follow-up of this story is very mysterious and grand, so please stay tuned!