Arc 3 Chapter 40: Surprise!

The moonlight broke free from the clouds high in the sky illuminating the area around them. Akira leaped from his hiding spot and charged forward with Nox running by his side. They were halfway towards the goblin camp before one of the goblins noticed the 200 orc warriors charging towards them and raised the alarm. “Gi gi giii giiiiiiii,” shouted …

Arc 3 Chapter 39: Defend the pass! 3

Ding! Quest Complete!Survive the wave of goblin attacks.  Level up! Defeat the Goblin army! Follow Tornok’s orders and help defeat the goblins army and bring peace to the Orc lands. Akira felt happiness at the completion of the quest and leveling up to Lvl 18. He quickly put the bonus points into the usual stats and turned his attention back …

Arc 3 Chapter 38: Defend the pass! 2

The sun had already been up for a few hours when Akira was woken up to replace the orc captain commanding the north wall. He was only able to get four hours of sleep, but it was much better than nothing at all. Yawning, he walked over to a large fire where a pot of soup was simmering. A few …

Arc 3 Chapter 37: Defend the pass!

Fort Hardstone was built into the left side of the mountain in the Gnakad pass. The three slightly rounded walls that it had were built out of stone mined from the mountain itself. The walls were over ten feet tall and five feet wide. It was tall enough that nothing could jump over it especially the short goblins, and it …

Arc 3 Chapter 36: The goblins are coming!

Akira stood with Varbu inside the grand hall, standing at attention in front of the large fire pit. They were waiting for Tornok to give them orders on what to do with the current crisis. “We’re not prepared for a war. It normally takes us at the most a month in order to gather our full power. With these sneak …

Arc 3 Chapter 35: Trouble

Although everyone had been dismissed, Akira and Varbu stayed seated while the lower ranking officers left the grand meeting hall. The only people left in the room were the elders and only the general and the commanding officers of each position in the city stayed sitting. A majority of the elders were sleeping where they sat. “Varbu, you and Akira …

Arc 3 Chapter 34: Your plans and my plans

Varbu and Akira stood inside the meeting halls small lobby waiting to be allowed to enter the main room where a meeting was currently being held. “Do you know what the meeting is about?” asked Akira. “No, I was only told to bring you here and wait,” replied Varbu. “That quarterstaff that you use is there a reason you use …

Arc 3 Chapter 33: Mining Skill

“What should we do with him?” asked Tornok. “He’s an outsider. I say we should do what we always do,” shouted an elder from the middle of the group. “I disagree, he is a friend to the dwarves you all saw the ring. We might hurt our relations with them if we did something like that,” said Gron. “Since when …

Arc 3 Chapter 32: Orcrock

Akira sat by the large fire in front of Varbu’s tent eating a large portion of freshly roasted meat. Varbu sat next to him listening to the reports of his officers detailing who was hurt and who had died. After they finished their reports they left without being ordered to. “Thankfully the warriors that were wounded will not die. I …

Arc 3 Chapter 31: Trespasser

Akira had been traveling for over two weeks without stopping for more than a few hours of sleep due to the fear of people following him. The few days both Akira and Nox were still unable to sense anyone following them so it was decided to rest for a while. Akira stood next to the small fire where half of …