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Chapter 4067 Just Right

Zhou Niannian didn’t catch Ye Jian covertly wiping her forehead; while crouched, the woman started meditating on the issue until the sounds of sirens that stirred awe from the common people’s hearts were heard; she didn’t manage to figure it out. As the police sirens approached, Zhou Niannian got up and extended her hand in preparation to pull up Ye ...

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3 years ago

That encouraging tap on the back your parents give you, when you’re about to face a challenge in life… It is truly something special!

I can understand how someone who never felt that, would get choked up with emotion…
Got me teary eyed again! Damn you author!
5 years ago

I still have no idea why he feels pain during mutations… I mean the name itself implies that you should, but others don’t? Ugh…

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