Chapter 27: Undead magic

“Are you awake?” Long Yi asked while he was still lying on the huge stone. In fact, when the breathing tempo of Yu Feng had changed, Long Yi long discovered she was awake.

“M-hm, thank you for saving my life. I am Yu Feng of Phoenix clan. I don’t know esteem benefactor’s name, but Yu Feng will definitely repay you.” Yu Feng really felt indebted to Long Yi, and she really wanted to know what her benefactor looked like, but it didn’t seem like he intended to come over to her side.

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“This is so-called, seeing injustice on the road and draw one’s sword to help the victim. No need to repay me. I have already sent someone to inform the Phoenix clan, so they will arrive here very soon. Since young lady is already awake, I will be leaving.” As soon as he finished speaking, Long Yi got off from the stone he was lying on, turned around and got ready to leave. Due to the grass in his mouth, his voice was also somewhat ambiguous.

When Yu Feng was still unconscious, Long Yi had decided not to let her see his face. So he found some passerby, and using a gold coin as a reward, he asked this passerby to inform Phoenix clan about this. It’s not like Long Yi didn’t want to make a connection with the Phoenix clan, but rather, it’s just that after this young girl notices the places on her body he had touched and seen, his life would truly become extremely miserable. Luckily, currently it seems like she was still not aware of this, so naturally, this was the best chance for him to escape from this place.

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“Wait a minute… ah!” Hearing the footsteps of Long Yi, Yu Feng immediately struggled to sit up. which caused pain to appear from her wound, as she cried out in pain.

Hearing her painful groan, Long Yi couldn’t help but turned his head. As his heart started beating faster and faster. But just as he was about to turn around and help her, Long Yi felt spirit power fluctuation and saw several lights rushing towards his location from the direction of Light City. Seeing this, he instantly used Great Cosmos Shift and disappeared from that place like a ghost. Only the faint broken voice entered the ears of Yu Feng, “Treating wounds to save a person. Was my last resort, I have to leave now. I shall meet you again at an unspecified date.”

Seeing that Long Yi was leaving, Yu Feng felt as though she had lost an important piece in her heart. But as she heard the broken voice of Long Yi, she suddenly felt that something was amiss. What was ‘last resort’?

Just as she was thinking about it, a gentle evening breeze blew across her.Yu Feng suddenly felt a slight chill across her chest. When she lowered her head to look, she was immediately embarrassed. Her beautiful face immediately became completely bright red… It looks like as she was forcing herself to sit up earlier, the cloth which was covering her body slid down and her two milky white peaks were peeking out of her tattered skin-tight armor.
At this time, Yu Feng finally noticed her left breast and inner thigh were wrapped up in bandages. Now realizing that her body was seen by a stranger, Yu Feng was so embarrassed that she wanted to bury her head in the ground. She finally realized why this man who had rescued her ran away and didn’t intend to let her see his face. After lightly sighing and draping the cloth Long Yi had left for her over her shoulders, she softly spoke, “Humph, irresponsible fellow, why would you run away. At the most, I would have just made you marry me and the problem would be solved.”

As a matter of fact, when Long Yi had rescued her at that time, she had already given up all hope. Before she lost consciousness, that tall and straight figure she had seen was already imprinted in her heart, causing a subtle change in her heart. Now, she had subconsciously regarded that figure as the prince charming she was dreaming of since a long time ago. After examining the cloth left behind by Long Yi, she realized that the quality of the cloth was extremely good and that a normal noble would never have the ability to possess a cloth made of such good material. Thinking so far, Yu Feng had determined that her benefactor’s background is of pretty good standing.

“I will absolutely find you even if I have to go to the ends of the earth.” Yu Feng resolutely thought as her heart and Phoenix Douqi burned with enthusiasm. Because the prince charming she had always dreamed had appeared to save her today, she firmly wanted to find and pursue him. Not to mention that he not only rescued her, but had even seen and touched her body in the most intimate of places. Thinking up to this point, a tinge of red slowly crept up her face.

While Yu Feng was gritting her teeth and making the pledge to find Long Yi, an elegant and poised woman who looked like a goddess appeared in front of her with two maids beside her.“Feng’er, are you alright?” This beautiful woman caught the hands of Yu Feng as she squatted down in front of her and asked in a worried tone.

“Mother, I’m fine.” Yu Feng replied her.

“In the end, what exactly happened? Who was the one who caused you such serious injuries? ” The fury in the eyes of this beautiful woman could hardly be concealed. She had already noticed the gown of a man on the body of her daughter, and she wanted to know who had injured her daughter like this. After she found out, she swore that she would definitely make the person suffer a fate worse than death for hurting her daughter.

“Mother, we will talk about it after we return back. Feng’er is tired.” Yu Feng weakly said.


Long Yi stared at the tall and majestic wall of Light City from far away, he didn’t feel the urge to enter the city immediately. Instead, he found a secluded place outside of the city and took out the black colored magic wand and wrapped bundle that the wolf king gave him from inside his space ring. This black colored magic wand was releasing strong dark element magic aura, if, by any chance this was discovered inside the Light City, he would be finished.

As Long Yi carefully examined this unassuming magic wand, he was unable to find any unique markings which would suggest that this wand was anything special. Therefore Long Yi assumed that this wand was a low level dark element magic wand. After examining the wand, Long Yi proceeded to open the bundle wrapped in cloth. The second he opened the bundle, he threw it to the side in shock. Due to the sudden appearance of a human skull in the bundle, even Long Yi was unable to keep his calm and panicked, throwing the bundle away.

“Who the hell is so wicked, placing a human skull inside the baggage to frighten others?” Long Yi thought as he picked up his courage again and placed the bundle with the human skull in front of him. Carefully looking at the shiny pitch black human skull in the bundle, Long Yi deduced that this was definitely not some ordinary human skull. This is because an ordinary human skull would never emit such a suffocating aura of death.

After discovering that there were two books under the human skull, Long Yi didn’t think too much about it and reached out to life the human skull. Just when Long Yi’s hand came into contact with the skull, it suddenly flew up by itself and opened its ferocious big mouth. It ruthlessly bit into the finger of Long Yi who was touching it.

Long Yi cried out in alarm and wanted to shake it off. Unexpectedly, it bit even more firmly, and his fresh blood flowed into this human skull.

Long Yi gave up the struggle after a while because he noticed that the blood that had flowed out from his finger was being absorbed by this human skull. Slowly, a trace of bloodlines intertwined above this dark human skull and successfully formed a red colored network. Those bloodlines were circulating above the black skull as if they had a life of their own.

Long Yi’s heart was palpitating wildly as he had never seen nor experienced such an abnormal thing. However, despite his struggles, he was unable to get the skull off his finger. The only option left was to helplessly watch the changes to the skull. After the skull was completely red and was completely covered with blood networks, it finally relaxed its bite on Long Yi and released his finger. But at this point, something even more bizarre happened. The red skull floated high up in the air and transformed into a blood-covered light which drilled into the center of Long Yi’s left palm. Long Yi was struck dumb with amazement, then hastily looked at the center of his palm. What he saw was a blood red human skull mark on his left hand which completely looked like a birthmark.

Studying it for a long time, Long Yi didn’t find anything unusual. Apart from the human skull mark, there was no change in his body. As he was unable to make any sense of what was happening, he simply didn’t think about it any longer and picked up the two books. It seems this book was extremely old. Long Yi shook off the dust and turned to the first page of this book. Long Yi was extremely surprised to see the two brash black colored large words on the first page. “UNDEAD MAGIC.”

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