Chapter 39: Clash

The reason why Ha lei was able to determine the identity of this half corpse, was because of the magic robe and magic guild medal on it. Each country’s profession guild’s attire was different. Also, the pattern on the robes of the different ranks of the profession had a slight discrepancy. Anyone who had discerning eyes would be able to determine the identity of the individual wearing the robe.

In Long Yi’s eight-man adventurer team, with the exception of Long Yi, Lu Xiya and this mysterious Leng Youyou. Everyone else had joined profession guilds. Although after joining profession guilds, one would receive hefty monthly payments, and the protection of their respective guilds, one also has obligations to the guild they have joined. For instance, if one’s guild and other countries’ guild have a conflict or if other members of the guild is in danger, members of the same guild are required to help each other. . Naturally, members had the choice of taking part in their own guild’s internal problems.

Just when everyone was suspicious about the identity of these two people, almost simultaneously, two different fireworks rose to the skies and exploded. As they formed two completely different patterns in the sky.

“Well it seems that this is a problem of the magician guild of the Proud Moon Empire and the magician guild of the Nalan Empire. Looks like this has nothing to do with us, so let’s look for an inn to rest.” Ha Lei felt as if he was relieved of a heavy load, if it was Proud Moon Empire and Violent Dragon Empire, then he and the entire group would be forced to be involved in the conflict.

Just at this time, strong magic fluctuation surged from all directions. Sensing this, Long Yi was speechless, “Seems like the fight just escalated? Won’t this small town be razed to the ground by magicians at this rate?””

“No, they will voluntarily gather outside this small town to settle their score.” Light Magician Lan Tian answered Long Yi’s question with a mild voice. But behind that mild voice, there was complete indifference. Humans would always put themselves first, even in this group of eight. This Light Magician who have always been talking unreservedly about humanity was no exception, as this matter had nothing to do with him, he remained impervious to the incident.

Before long, various ranks of magicians of different elements filled this narrow street. Among them were also fighters, thieves, and archers. It seems like all of them were the backup forces of the respective groups who had arrived to lend their aid. This Huangmang small town was full of adventurers which numbered in the tens of thousands coming from every country around him. Now that the magician guilds of two big empires clashed with each other, it was unknown how many people would get involved in the conflict.

Just like Lan Tian said, everyone on both sides refused to budge for a while, then began to move towards outside of this small town. As many magicians casting the Float spell as they made their move, it made the scene really spectacular.

“How about we also go and see the bustle.” Long Yi suggested. It was not easy to come across such large scale battles.

“No, we shouldn’t. Many magicians are going to fight, and their destructive power is extremely alarming. If we go there, it is very likely to accidentally receive injuries. Now we should just go and look for an inn to rest well, so that we can raise our spirit to enter the Huangmang plain tomorrow.” Ha Lei instantly opposed Long Yi’s suggestion.

Ha Lei was the leader of this adventurer team, and since he was against watching the battle, naturally no one had anything to say. After that, they causally found an inn and rented four rooms, where two of them would be staying in the same room. Lu Xiya and Leng Youyou naturally stayed in one room, the two magicians stayed in one room, Shi Yan and Ha Lei stayed in one room, and the remaining Long Yi and Barbarian bull in last room. Including Ha Lei, all others expectedly didn’t want to stay in the same room with Barbarian bull. They didn’t express it, but this particular action of theirs reflected the discrimination against beast-men.

Entering inside the room, Long Yi shut the door then said to Barbarian bull in a low voice, “Big Bull, came over here.”

Barbarian Bull admired Long Yi very highly and also treated Long Yi as his sworn brother. One of the reason was that the beastmen clans have always worshipped the strong. Another reason why Barbarian Bull treated Long Yi like his sworn brother was because from the start, only Long Yi and that elf frequently talked to him, and treated him like a friend. Although he was thick skinned, but he clearly knew that the others had always looked down on him. Even though it seems like Long Yi was always making fun of him, Barbarian Bull could feel the warmth in Long Yi’s words when he did so.

Barbarian bull heard Long Yi, so he lowered his head in order for Long Yi to talk to him easier. While standing, Barbarian bull was more than 8 chi in height, and the posture of him lowering his head to the height of Long Yi’s head looked quite comical.

When Long Yi whispered something into the ear of Barbarian Bull’s, his eyes lit up as he repeatedly nodded his head.After hanging the ‘Please do not disturb’ sign outside the door, Long Yi opened the window, and scanned the streets below him. Seeing as the window was not facing the main street, and only a small deserted alley was below him, Long Yi caught Barbarian Bull with his internal force as he jumped from the window and landed on the ground below. This made Barbarian Bull admire Long Yi even more, and looking at Long Yi, his eyes lit up in worship.

After landing in the deserted alley, the both of them dashed towards the location the two groups left for outside the town. Just as they reached the doorway, the discovered that there were many people who were moving to watch the conflict as well. With a glance, Long Yi’s sharp eye spotted two familiar figures who were in the process of dashing ahead of him.
“Little elf, wait for us.” Long Yi loudly yelled. He had never thought that these two girls have sneaked out ahead of them.

Hearing Long Yi, the two girls stopped, turned around and waited for the two people to come near them. “Long Yi, I knew you’ll absolutely sneak out.” Lu Xiya beamed as if she was extremely proud of her own judgment.

“You two are too mean, not even calling us. Before sneaking out” Long Yi smiled and habitually pinched Lu Xiya’s small nose.

“Elder sister Youyou said that you will definitely catch up to us, so we come out first.” As if she was also already accustomed to the teasing ofLong Yi, Lu Xiya replied without even a hint of an annoyed expression.

Long Yi looked towards Leng Youyou, as she evaded his gaze. Since they started their journey half a month ago, she had basically been avoiding Long Yi. Firstly it was because Long Yi knew that she cultivated dark magic, and secondly, Long Yi felt extremely mysterious to her. As a result, she was very cautious of Long Yi and avoided him most of the time.

At this moment, sounds of explosions came from the distance as the earth began to shake. “Eh, the fight has begun, we should hurry over there.” Long Yi said with excitement.

As he realised the huge distance between the actual conflict and them, Long Yi hesitated for a moment before casting Gale Magic on all of them in order to give everyone a speed boost. Immediately after casting the spell, Long Yi took the lead and began running. Leng Youyou and the other three suddenly felt their bodies becoming lighter and their speed increasing after Long Yi casted Gale Magic on them. All of them were startled as they racked their brains to think of what magic Long Yi casted on them that would allow them to run faster. As they were unable to think of what spell it was, they didn’t bother thinking about it anymore as they knew this was one of Long Yi’s tricks. This only caused the mysterious image of Long Yi in their minds to thicken.
The battlefield was at the edge of Huangmang plain, and there were more than thousands of people on both sides for this battle. Just by looking at the number of people participating in this battle, needless to say, this was going to be a spectacular battle. Other than Long Yi and his group, several others were also on the sidelines.

“What is this? I thought this would be many times more devastating, so what is the meaning of this?” After seeing the scene of battle, Long Yi said with barely hidden disappointment in his voice. .

“Yes, that’s right! I knew it, the magicians are turtles who only knows how to shoot from the rear.” Barbarian Bull nodded his head and said with the same feeling.

But Barbarian Bull very quickly discovered that Lu Xiya and Leng Youyou were directly glaring at him. Only then did he remember these two companions of his were also magicians. Immediately correcting his mistake, he stroked the horn on his head and said, “I am not talking about you two, I meant them.”

Both of the girls just snorted coldly in response to his so called correction. Correct, Lu Xiya is a magician, but to be exact, she is a magic archer. It is common knowledge that elves were heavenly-gifted archers and magicians. And after adding magic in their bows and arrows, the might of their bows and arrows increases by a large margin. Compared to the normal archer, magic archers were many times more powerful.

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