Chapter 55: Bewitching Passion in the Midst of Water (1)

Listening to Leng Youyou, Long Yi also became aware that his body was also feeling extremely uncomfortable, especially after having a breakthrough from the first layer of AoTianJue. Which caused the filth in his marrows to flow out through his skin, causing his underwear to be stuck to his skin.

“There is definitely a water source nearby, because it is impossible for these dark magical beasts to survive without drinking water.” Long Yi said.

Hence the two of them followed a group of dark magical beasts which were ahead of them by quite a distance, and sure enough, they found a small river in the middle of the forest. On both sides of the river, dark magical beasts could be seen drinking the water from the river. Long Yi and Leng Youyou immediately led the 18 skeletons and went over, and just like how chickens scatter when a dog jumps over, all the dark magical beasts scattered in confusion and fled. The deterrence effect of these 18 skeletons was truly too big. They had massacred several thousand dark magical beasts, so they released a dense bloody aura of death and dark energy, making these low class dark magical beasts unable to resist.

“Let’s go upstream, water from upstream is cleaner.” Seeing the water, Leng Youyou immediately wanted to jump in, but thinking about how so many dark magical beasts were drinking from here just a moment ago, she held herself back. By the time she thought of going upstream, she turned to look at Long Yi. However, he was already looking in the upstream direction before she thought of it.

“Long Yi, I’m talking to you.” Leng Youyou pouted coquettishly.

Long Yi replied with a smile, “Didn’t you notice, just a moment ago, those dark magical beasts were drinking water concentrated only at this place. None of them were drinking water upstream, and when they ran away, not even a single one ran towards the upstream direction, do you know why?”

Leng Youyou was dumbfounded, she didn’t pay so much attention to what was going on with the dark magical beasts, but after hearing Long Yi, she roughly guessed what was going on, “So you are saying, there is definitely an extremely powerful dark magical beast upstream, and upstream is the area it is controlling.”

Long Yi said while nodding his head, “Correct, but all the dark magical beasts of this region are not very strong, so my guess is that the dark magical beast upstream is merely a self proclaimed king. Its unlikely for it to be extremely strong..”

“Then are we going?” Leng Youyou asked.

“Of course, after going through so much difficulties, we finally came across a stronger dark magical beast. Hopefully it can provide my skeletons with a decent meal.” Long Yi replied while laughing, then he looked at Leng Youyou with a profound meaning behind his gaze. It seems she became somewhat awkward after having a relationship with him. If it was before they had something going on, Leng Youyou would definitely have taken skeletons upstream to immediately exterminate the stronger dark magical beast. But now, she would ask for Long Yi’s opinion before doing anything, fearing that he would have a bad impression of her if she did anything impulsive.

The two of them and the 18 skeletons quickly walked upstream, and just like they expected, they saw a huge snake-like dark magical beast occupying the place after they reaching the source of the river upstream. From its aura, it really was much stronger than those dark magical beasts downstream, but Long Yi was not worried at all. As the 18 skeletons in his possession were immune to dark magic and the snake-like beast probably couldn’t damage them at all. As long as he didn’t run into top-notch A-class dark magical beast, he would be able to defend himself against other classes of magical beast even if he was unable to defeat them.

In fact, just as he expected, this little boss didn’t even last 2 minutes under the attack of these 18 super skeletons, and kicked the bucket.

“Well, Youyou, now we can take a bath together.” Long Yi mischievously said, as his shifty eyes began to dishonestly size up the body of Leng Youyou without concealing his lecherous gaze.

Leng Youyou’s face instantly became red, and angrily pouted, “Who said you are bathing here, i’ll bathe here alone. You, go downstream to bathe.”

“Youyou, you are not sincere, just like destroying the bridge after crossing the river, you finished using me and you want to kick me out. Its truly unfortunate… ” Long Yi pulled the sleeve of Leng Youyou’s garment and feigned his grievance.

Seeing the show being put on by her beloved, Leng Youyou chuckled. As a matter of fact, she was also not unwilling to take a bath with Long Yi. merely when things have progressed to this point, girls were rather reserved. After hearing her answer, Long Yi realised that the opportunity for the two of them to bathe together would not escape from his claws today.

“You laughed, that means you agreed for me to bathe here too. I will go in first, you should come in quickly too.” Long Yi quickly and easily stripped all the dirty clothing from his body, and plunged into the river.

Taking advantage of the time when Long Yi had still not surfaced, Leng Youyou quickly took off her clothes and exposed her perfect body which was worthy of pride. Just when she was about to jump into the river, Long Yi suddenly surfaced, then blankly stared at her ** with his two shifty eyes and showed an expression of admiration on his face.
Leng Youyou immediately jumped in, then she instinctively ducked and huddled together. Still, when she saw Long Yi’s captivated eyes, she stood up and completely exposed her marvelous body in front of her beloved. In any case, she had already decided to marry Long Yi. Not to mention that night, when she had already let him touch her everywhere from her head to toes. Now that he wanted to look at her body, she felt that she was going to let him look at her till he had seen enough. Leng Youyou recalled every aspect that happened since she knew Long Yi, and how she idiotically fell in love with him, while slowly walking towards him.

With his eyes fixed on her, Long Yi swallowed a mouthful of saliva. This was a perfect body ah, two round plump and smooth towering meat buns with two rosy small cherries naughtily standing erect. Without the slightest doubt, its scale was absolutely not graspable with one hand of a man. Her pretty slender waist, smooth underbelly, that scattered dense and also tidy fine hair at her most mysterious place, and that indistinctly visible rosy gully when she took a step, everything was perfect.

Long Yi’s little brother was already standing erect, and the fire of lust was also already burning vigorously inside his body. Only heaven knows how long it had been since he had let it out. Besides dealing with Long Ling’er in a daze just after arriving in this world, he hadn’t got a chance to let it out since then. After being supressed for such a long time, how could he not turn into a beast after seeing such beautiful scenery?

Only allowed on

Leng Youyou walked down the river step by step, and the clear river water quickly covered her beautiful body. Only a faint glance of the spring scenery could be caught once in awhile when the water around her stood still for a moment, exposing her beautiful body to Long Yi..

“Long Yi, I will help you wash your back.” Leng Youyou’s face was very red, and she didn’t dare to look at Long Yi’s passionate gaze. She walked straight to Long Yi and tried to wipe his back. Her somewhat ice-cold little hands shifted around the back of Long Yi, clearly feeling each and every muscle which contained explosive strength. After wiping for a little while, she suddenly somewhat moved forward and pressed her firm and upright jade peaks on Long Yi’s back. As her jade hands turned to comfort Long Yi’s sturdy chest.

“Long Yi.” Leng Youyou whispered and a passionate breath blew on Long Yi’s neck.

If Long Yi still restrained himself, then he would not be a man. He immediately turned around, and held Leng Youyou in his embrace, as he kissed her little mouth with his own. Long Yi’s big hands gently caressed and stroked Leng Youyou’s silk like satiny skin, and his little brother lightly rubbed on her underbelly in high spirits.

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“M-hm.” Leng Youyou moaned and messily responded to Long Yi’s kiss. Both her hand were also caressing his back as they shared a passionate kiss.
Two lips and tongues mutually wrapped together for a long time, beffore Long Yi released her and looked at her red complexion. After that, his misty eyes flashed with intoxicated luster, as her lips which were pink due to his sucking drew his gaze.

Long Yi couldn’t restrain himself anymore and immersed himself in Leng Youyou’s neck. There, he left behind rosy marks. Her enchanting body thoroughly enraptured him. His lips slowly slid down towards that sacred mountain peak. Long Yi’s head went into the water as he sucked on the small cherry he managed to get his mouth on, and his skillful tongue circled around it. One of his hands grasped the other jade peak, as he rubbed it and had the pearl of the breast clipped between the crack of his fingers. Very quickly, two plump ** became increasingly firm, and she wasn’t able to bear the simulation on her two small cherries.

Moans escaped Leng Youyou’s mouth involuntarily, but she didn’t dare to believe that she was capable of releasing such lewd sounds. Long Yi slowly slide down kissing her whole body, and his hands were still holding on to Leng Youyou’s **. Seeing a fluttering handful of black colored fine hair under the water, Long Yi felt as if something flowed out from his nose. His lips swept passed her delicate navel, and kissed her pubis, as those fine hairs fluttering in the water got stuck in his face.

Feeling Long Yi’s lips on the edge of her secret garden, Leng Youyou suddenly felt a warm current flowing out from her private parts, so she exclaimed, “No, don’t.” The moment those words came out of her mouth, her legs went limp and she collapsed into the water.

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