Chapter 56: Bewitching Passion in the Midst of Water (2)

Long Yi carried Leng Youyou princess style from the middle of the river and walked towards the big flat stone in the middle of the water. Leng Youyou tightly embraced Long Yi’s neck, and shyly buried her head in his bosom without daring to lift up her chin to look at his face.

“Am i finally about to turn into his woman today? I’m so nervous ah.” Leng Youyou thought inside her heart. The skin of her whole body was covered with a layer of rosy color, and her charming body seemed rather stiff.

Long Yi climbed on the large stone in the middle of the river before laying down Leng Youyou. However, she was unwilling to let go of him as she clasped her hands around him.

“Youyou, what is the matter?” Long Yi softly asked.

“I…I’m very nervous.” Leng Youyou spoke with a trembling voice.

“Don’t be afraid, could it be that you are unwilling to give youself to me?” Long Yi simply leaned on the rock, holding Leng Youyou, and caressed her back to ease her nerves.

“No, I’m willing…” Leng Youyou hastily answered, as she thought, “Giving him my body, is something that will happen sooner or later… If i did it now, maybe it will be easier for me. But how could i not be nervous? Will it even feel as good as that night?”

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Long Yi chuckled as if he knew what she was thinking. One of his hands rubbed her perky buttocks, while the other hand infused internal force in her body, relaxing her nerves. Slowly, Leng Youyou’s body began to soften, and she began to frequently give out delicate moans.

Hearing the enchanting moans coming from Leng Youyou, Long Yi’s blood suddenly boiled. He felt as though this little girl’s moaning sound possessed an unusual magic power that managed to penetrate deep into his marrow to incite his most primitive **. His little brother which was already as hard as iron was propped at Leng Youyou’s soft place between her legs.

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“Ah, Long Yi.” Leng Youyou said with her voice trembling, and as she felt that burning hot firm and erect ** at her private place, her body lightly quivered.

Long Yi’s sturdy waist began to move, rubbing his ** at that moist silt. Although the tip was really overwhelmed with joy, but his heart also had a foreign taste. Slowly, Long Yi was no longer satisfied with only this, his hands slowly moved towards her hip and held it, then he began to directly push at the entrance of utopia.

“Ah, Long Yi, don’t…wait a minute.” Leng Youyou’s powerless hand helplessly pushed against Long Yi’s chest in a fruitless attempt to stop him.

Long Yi unexpectedly stopped, as he watched her with eyes full of **, then said, “What’s the matter?”

Leng Youyou struggled free from the clutches of Long Yi, before standing up. Her long black hair hung down freely, and her ordinary face unexpectedly exudeed the amazing charms of a women. The plump moon lightly quivered, just like congealed fat, it glistened with alluring gloss. From Long Yi’s line of vision, he could actually see her rosy silt in the middle of the thick forest between her legs.

Long Yi endured the urge he had to pounce on her and suppressed his wanton thoughts of love. He wanted to know what exactly did Leng Youyou want to do that she had stopped him from going all the way.

Leng Youyou’s lovely face was bright red, and a thin layer of water mist lingered in her starry sky-like eyes. She dumbly looked at Long Yi, and slowly stepped forward. Sitting on the waist of Long Yi, she softly whispered,.
“Long Yi, look at me.” Leng Youyou couldn’t suppress her embarrassment, but she still mustered all her courage as she looked at him.

Long Yi obediently looked at her, but he suddenly felt as if her face distorted. He thought that his eyes were blurred, so he immediately closed his eyes, before opening them again to see what exactly happened.

Hong, an explosion occurred inside the Long Yi’s head, as he thought, “Oh Heavens, what am I seeing, how come Youyou’s appearance suddenly became like this? This fine face, just like that of a fairy; those pupils that seemed just like water; that nose that seemed to be made of fine jade and the lotus-like, lovely mouth. The features on her face easily combined together to form the perfect appearance, this scene looks as if a fairy came out of paradise. Don’t tell me that I am dreaming?”

“Am I beautiful?” Seeing the blank appearance of her lover, Leng Youyou was delighted. She was somewhat looking forward to this, and she proudly asked Long Yi. With regards to her appearance, she always was extremely confident.

“Beautiful.” Long Yi muttered. Then he suddenly understood that the ordinary appearance Leng Youyou had always adopted was her disguise all along. Leng Youyou’s beauty was different from Si Bi’s. Si Bi’s beauty was gentle and pure, which was unstained by worldly dirt, and she possessed a gorgeous appearance that couldn’t be produced locally. Her beauty was cool with a hint of pride.

“Then do you like the beautiful appearance i have currently?” Leng Youyou flirtatiously played with the strands of hair flowing form her forehead.

Seeing the Leng Youyou’s true appearance, Long Yi realised that she should really maintain her current appearance. Only such a beautiful face could match her such perfect figure.

Looking at Leng Youyou who was riding his body, his little brother grew somewhat thicker. He struggled and planned to wantonly whip Leng Youyou with his little brother.

“Don’t move.” Leng Youyou held onto Long Yi’s arm and said charmingly.
Seeing the puzzled look of Long Yi, Leng Youyou blushed and said in mosquito like voice, “I will do myself, you are not allowed to move.”
Long Yi was dumbfounded, could it be that this girl is thinking of doing it herself? Just like having ample food and clothing, he also thought to take a look at how Leng Youyou intend to do it. So he held back his fire of lust for her as he remained in his original position without moving.

Leng Youyou’s hips slowly moved backward, which placed Long Yi’s sturdy and stiff little brother right in front of her eyes. Seeing the size, Leng Youyou was inwardly amazed, and she couldn’t help but worry inside her heart. So thick, can such big fellow fit in? Leng Youyou bit her lower lip, as her ice-cold jade hands held that burning hot, firm and stiff big fellow. Moving her hands up and down, she started to service Long Yi.

As soon as she teased him like this, his little brother seemed even more ferocious. Leng Youyou blushed, then she raised her buttocks, aligning Long Yi’s firm and stiff little brother to her own slit and abruptly sat down.

Long Yi merely felt the lower part of his body breaking through a layer of obstruction and entered into a tight narrow warm passage, then feeling **. he wanted to moan aloud, but he didn’t make a sound, because he could hear Leng Youyou’s muffled groan of pain. After that he glanced at her face and saw teardrops forming on the rim of Leng Youyou’s eyes on her deathly pale face.

This eager to do well in everything, stupid girl, does she believe that anyone can do this horsewoman style?

Leng Youyou leaned over Long Yi’s bosom, and miserable said, “My husband, its really painful.”
Hearing Leng Youyou calling him ‘My husband’, the love in Long Yi’s heart flourished even more. On one side, he gently caressed and stroke Leng Youyou’s sensitive points of her body, and on other side, he tirelessly spoke words of love at the side of her ear continuously.

Gradually, Long Yi felt that warm passage was becoming moist, and Leng Youyou also began to move her body which turned entirely red at this poing. Long Yi began to move naturally, in accordance to her movements. Before long, strong pleasure came through the lower part of his body which made him extremely **. After passing through the initial discomfort, Leng Youyou also began to lean on Long Yi’s body, obviously finding a trace of pleasurable feelings.

Along with the increase in speed of Long Yi’s movement, Leng Youyou coquettishly moaned again. She tightly closed her eyes, and her cheeks were dyed with a light blush, just like the most beautiful rosy clouds on the horizon.

“My husband, love me.” Leng Youyou suddenly hugged Long Yi, and her snowy white snowy buttocks violently moved up and down rapidly. She had already lost herself completely in **.

Long Yi as a man, how could he let the woman keep on riding him? He roared, turned over and pushed down on Leng Youyou, as he grabbed her slim waist with his hands, and began to quickly stir her up.

Exciting spring sceneries of her breast wantonly surging, and with the twitching of her whole body, Long Yi let out a loud groan as he released inside her body.

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