64–Sing a New Song

[Take a popular song off the radio and rewrite it as a poem in your own words.]

            Who listens to the radio nowadays? But, whatever, I’ll check out the popular songs of today, November 17, 2019.

            Mk, I found this song called Looking For America by Lana Del Rey. It’s surprisingly poetic, so I think I can work with this:

            I’m on my way to Alaska

            I hear the cold can hurt a lot

            It’s not like I can’t last a

            Long time without something hot

            I’m going there to see the lovely mountains

            And the bears, I hope to see thousands.

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            I’m still on the search for a permanent residence

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            One near all the sights I dearly wish to see

            While also far from people, because I can’t stand strangers sometimes

            The place I found was Alaska

            The place I found was Alaska

            The place I found was Alaska.

            I arrived and went hiking

            On the search for native wildlife

            And soon regretted not going biking

            ‘Cause it was more than a mile climb

            But I do not regret, at all, the adventure I had

            Because if anything, staying home on my ass would have been bad.

            I’m still on the search for a permanent residence

            One near all the sights I dearly wish to see

            While also far from people, because I can’t stand strangers sometimes

The place I found was Alaska

            The place I found was Alaska

            The place I found was Alaska.

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