Where Am I?

In the center of the forests, an enormous tree has a significant volume of leaves, which overshadowed most of the area in the woods. This tree is called the Mother Tree. It is located in the eastern part of the vast land of Ashenborn1Ashenborn a land/continent in the world where Levi was reincarnated. This is one of the continents present in the world in the country of Natura7NaturaThe country which was founded by the Elven-Dwarves alliance..

Below the tree, there is a two-story little house made of wood attached to the inner left part of the tree. In a room upstairs, a young man is lying on a bed covered with a white blanket inside the house. His messy hair is crimson, his eyes have the same color, his built is entirely acceptable, and his skin is fair.

Moments later, His eyes slowly opened. At first, his sight was a bit cloudy, but things got clear after a few closing and opening of eyes. Looking at his eyes that were slightly closed, leaving only a small gap, he was definitely confused.

“Where am I?”

This place was unfamiliar to him. He has never been here before. He slowly helped himself to stand up but to no avail. He just can’t do it, after all. He felt a jolting pain all over his body, and it seems that his left arm was numb as he can’t feel his whole arm.

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Suddenly, the wooden door creaked and slowly opened.

“Oh! You’re awake!” said a small old dwarf with a long white beard holding a wooden cane. He is wearing white clothing, and he has long ears. The man just stared at the old dwarf, confused.

“Dwarf?! Am I dreaming? Probably! HAHAHA! What a strange dream! I’ll just go back to sleep.” Elvin closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

“Are you okay now? Did your wounds heal? Did you get some good rest?” asked the old dwarf.

“What’s with this dream? It doesn’t let me sleep again.” the young man said to himself. He just ignored the old dwarf’s question.

“Wait– Why would I sleep in my own dreams?” The young man wondered.

All of a sudden, the old man poked his cane on the young man’s abdomen.

“ACCKKK!” he screamed in pain.

“Oh-oh, it seems that you are better now. Look, you are so vigorous!” the old dwarf said laughingly.

“What the heck! It hurts!” the man shouted. He was poked in the abdomen region, where he has a massive wound.

“Who are you?! and where am I?” he asked the question that’s been boggling him since he woke up.

“You are in the eastern land of Ashenborn, in the country of Natura. The elves and dwarfs govern this land, but there are places here ruled by those orcs and ogres who only wanted power, treasure, and glory. As for why are you here, my people found you in the deep forest near the river, they said that your comrades were dead by the time they got there, and you were the only one that was still alive… well, on the verge of being alive to be exact but unconscious. They suspect that the orcs ambushed your caravan to rob all of you. They brought you here, and we managed to heal you, but your left arm…”

“What about my left arm?” Elvin asked curiously, but he got the answer as soon as he raised his left arm. “Ahhh! W-what happened?! Where is my arm?!” he shouted with terror.

“Apparently, you’ve lost them in the battle against the orcs.” the old dwarf replied.

“I’m just an engineer on our company, I-I don’t rememb—” but before he finished his sentence, he felt great pain from his head. Elvin held his head hard, but the pain won’t stop. He screamed in agony that even the people outside heard his cry of pain.

As he cries in agony, information flooded his mind. Memories of the late person who owns his body entered his mind, all in a flash as though he was filling a cup of water using a pressure washer.

Levi, that’s the name of the former owner of the body he’s in right now. He was hired to escort a caravan from the country Humanis4Humanis Country of humans located in the northern part of Ashenborn. in the northeast part of Ashenborn to the land of Hadal in the southeast part of Ashenborn.

Levi should’ve been dead by now, and the King from the faraway land wouldn’t have to worry about being killed by him, but unfortunately for the King, Elvin reincarnated to Levi’s body. The reason was still unknown.

Much more information poured into his mind, and the sudden flood of this may cause his head to explode.

There was some gap in Levi’s memories transferred to him, but he doesn’t know, and he does not care. The pain is much more important than scanning those memories one by one.

Rushing to her feet, an elf woman entered the room. As soon as he saw Levi screaming in pain, he immediately closed her distance.

“Jadis, what happened here?” he asked worryingly and pertaining the old dwarf as Jadis.

“Maris! W-we are just talking a while ago then, suddenly his head hurt so much and now he is screaming in pain!” Jadis answered.

Maris, the elf woman with long brown hair and jade-like skin, immediately put her hand into Levi’s head. She used her index and middle finger of both her arms to touch both sides of Levi’s head while Jadis prevents him from losing in rage.

A bright yellowish light was emitted from Maris’s hand. Soon after, Levi slowly calms down, closed his eyes then sleep.
“I used a sleeping spell to him. I hope that helped him,” Maris said.

Jadis just stared at Levi while contemplating.

“This is your project. Finish this today. The client needs it by tomorrow.”

“I just finished a project, yet another one, and this seems very complicated. Looks like this is another week of all-nighters.”

“It’s already this late?! I should go home now.”

“What’s that noise?”

“Are they bullying that beggar? Those thugs, don’t they have important things to do? I shouldn’t get involved with that. I don’t want to bother them. I’ll just wish good luck to that helpless beggar.”

“Stop! You rotten thugs! Don’t hurt that man. He’s just a powerless beggar. He didn’t even have a weapon, yet you all have long metallic pipes and baseball bats. That’s unfair! Come here! I can take on all of you!”

“Ackk! My whole body hurts!” he said as he woke up in this world for the second time. He heard a faint noise of drums beating into a 4/4 beat and a stringed instrument’s sound with a high tone. There’s also sound of people’s laughter and conversations. “What are those noises?”

Four days have passed since Levi was put to sleep. He tried to get up even though his body hurt so much; still, he managed to help himself. He walked towards the door, twisted the knob, and opened it.

“Where is that beggar now? Is he safe? I hope so….” He said to himself, thinking that he was still on Earth.

As soon as the door was opened, he saw a massive crowd of dwarves and elves gathering and talking with each other. The sky is dim, but the bonfire gave light for everyone. Some are singing, some are dancing, Dwarves are commonly seen with a massive pint of alcohol, they are all smiling.

What was questionable among all things was the big pot in the middle of the feast.

“They are all drinking and having fun, but I didn’t saw anybody eating, maybe…”

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Then, Jadis saw him and walked towards him, calling two more dwarves with a slightly muscular build. When Levi saw Jadis and the other two dwarfs, his mind went blank.

“Hey, you look fine now, perfect! Let’s go. The ceremony will start soon!” Jadis said.

“Perfect? Ceremony? will they do something to a person who’s in perfect shape for a ceremony? Maybe they will really…” he looked at the big pot at the center, and this only worsened his terror.

- my thoughts:
Thanks for reading! If you see any errors or grammatical mistakes please tell me so that I may correct it. You can also make a review and put constructive criticism in the future after reading some more chapters. Enjoy the next chapters!
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