Chapter 013 | Awakening

Chapter 13


Arthur looked up one last time, a heavy breath leaving his mouth ajar. The clear skies vastly extended on both horizons. Thousands of stars glimmered, along with the moons that showered the land with golden light. It seemed as though he could feel their warmth despite the calm, yet chilling air that blew.

The forest bathed in the rich lunar glow. His jaded orbs reflected its golden greenish hue. It was a rare view; the first time he saw the moons shining in both their glories. Such a waste that he had no time to enjoy the scenery.

Arthur rode Duliri. With a nod, the staff flew over the direction of the noise. A distinct metallic smash echoed, then a wooden creak, and ultimately, a massive thud on the ground followed. Duliri accelerated, though making sure that it wasn’t too fast that Arthur might fall on the ground.

A few more breaths and they reached the vicinity, seeing several trees that had been felled to the forest floor. The armors had been ganging up on the brown girl for a little while, but their fight had now turned into a stalemate. Garo engaged once more and leaped to her side as the leaves below his feet rattled. With an empowered fist, he sent a massive blow to her left cheeks. The girl dodged on instinct, then she backed a few meters away to avoid another blow from Servo.

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Once Arthur set his feet on the ground, the girl immediately noticed his presence. Her crimson eyes flared in the darkness, glowing under the shadow of massive trees nearby. The looked she sent in his direction numbed Arthur to his feet for a moment as though she’s looking at someone who would become her saving grace. Perhaps if there was one thing that moved Arthur’s heart to save the girl, it was the fiery resolve he saw from her eyes. Her dead red irises radiated something peculiar – so foreign yet so familiar.

The girl shrieked, so disturbing that the nocturnal beasts howled from a distance while running away in terror. She took a swift step towards Arthur but Pirro grabbed her shoulder before she could even take a second one. The armor raised his other arm, a faint light emanating from his fist.

“Don’t kill her, Pirro!” Arthur shouted, his voice filled with conviction. The armor complied, immediately stopping his fist an inch before it hit her jaw.

The corner of Arthur’s eyes caught the girl’s face that softened for half a second. A chill ran down his spine. That expression, just where did I see that before? Brushing off the question, he shifted his gaze to the other two armors. “You too, Garo, Servo, hold her down! You can use magic but do not kill her!”

Garo and Servo weakened the flow of their mana before launching an attack, both their left arms aimed at her legs while Pirro kept her pinned in place. However, given that their power was limited once more, even with some magical supports, the girl broke free from Pirro’s grasp with ease. She leaped to the right. The other two’s fist unintentionally landed on their deserted friend. Metals clashed, releasing a deafening sound in its wake.

Pirro’s lower body turned to pieces, but the two didn’t mind. They turned to their left and faced the girl who had her back against the biggest tree in the vicinity. Garo ran forward and rammed his body in her direction. She jumped, her body soaring high. Much to her surprise, Servo had also flown and pulled her. His arms and legs wrapped around her whole body. The armor fell first, softening the impact. Its sound was silenced by the tree that tumbled behind them.

While Servo had crumpled slightly, he managed to retain his form to trap the girl. What everyone didn’t expect was the moonlight that escaped through the roof of the forest. All the previous trees that fell were nothing but minor ones. Now, as a large trunk at least two meters in diameter rested on the ground, lunar light touched the girl’s skin, filling her with more mana. Her raven hair turned to golden yellow, her eyes changed to topaz orbs.

“Arthur!” Duliri exclaimed as he hovered to the ground. “Ride me again! This is bad news.”

“No,” Arthur replied calmly as the girl broke free from Servo’s grasped and shifted her glance at him.

“I’m telling you this is bad news. Let’s botch the plan!”

“Sorry, Duliri,” Arthur sighed. “This is an order. Stay where you are until I’m done.” Then he began walking slowly towards the girl who glared at him, her look seemed like piercing daggers.

“Don’t be crazy, Arthur!” Duliri did his best to move but he only trembled, his pole remained unmoving with every attempt. “Come back in here!”

He gently glanced back and gave him a reassuring smile. “Trust me, she will not kill me.”

“How would you know that? Just get back in here!”

“I just know.” Arthur took a mouthful breath and returned her attention to the girl who stood up. Her hands clenched into fists. “The moon already sated her thirst. She has been sane for a while now. She had no reason to kill me anymore.”

“You don’t know that, Arthur. That. Demon. Girl. Is. Dangerous.”

“Trust me. Children are fragile,” he said solemnly, his eyes fixed at the girl who began to run towards him at an incredible speed. “But we’re stronger and more earnest than you think.”

“Arthur! Listen to me! Arthur! Please! Come back!” Duliri shouted but all his words fell on deft ears.

Only allowed on

“You can stop now…” Arthur said, looking straight in her eyes. His face was devoid of any emotion. He was neither smiling nor wearing a grimace. He stood with a blank expression, wondering if he had the same expression when he first met his grandfather, Renato. Did my eyes look like her before, Lolo?

Then finally, his lips curved into a half-smile. “We wouldn’t hurt you.”

But the girl only screamed as she raced towards Arthur. Her body crushed against his, so strong that he lost his balance. Though very light, Arthur felt powerless underneath her frame that was more than twice his size. Still, he never looked away.

The girl glared and the answer became more vivid for Arthur. Yes, this was the same eyes he had before. The eyes that looked at the world with distrust and hate.

She raised her right arm and threatened to punch his head. If it connected, he knew it’d be crushed like a balloon and his brain might even splatter around the place. Still, he didn’t shift his gaze.

An inch before the collision, his eyes shut tightly in reflex. Even though he was so sure she wouldn’t do it, his body reacted on its own. A warm sensation developed in his chest, streaming all over his body. When he opened the lids again, his cornea almost leaped out of its socket. His heart raced, seeing that his whole body glowed faintly. He felt power growing from within.

But his shock quickly dissipated when droplets of tears fell on his cheeks. The girl atop him cried, her fingers clutching the soil above his shoulders. She pushed herself upwards as tears formed a waterfall on her cheeks. She skidded away and embraced her knees, her cries becoming louder.

Arthur sucked a mouthful air before standing up. “Don’t worry, I’m weak and my granny is kind. We wouldn’t hurt you. Duliri might be a creep but he wouldn’t hurt you as well.” He smiled warmly at her and tousled her hair. “Don’t worry, you can trust us.”

It might have been insensitive words, but Arthur truly meant what he said. For someone who had been robbed of his childhood, there’s nothing more reassuring than knowing that there’s someone he could depend on.

The girl didn’t say a word. Instead, she gave him a doubtful glance.

“By the way, what’s your name?”

“Vlanca,” she replied in between sobs, her answer barely recognizable.

“I’m Arthur.” He beamed. “Nice to meet you.”

Vlanca continued to cry for a while, then she bawled and then cried some more. She cried her heart out, releasing the pain she probably had been holding on for a long time.

Meanwhile, Katarina never arrived at the fiesta.

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