Akasuki spotted Braden standing outside the door.
“Sorry, Miss Calajahan.” Braden said, “Can I have some water?”
“Take the mug on table.” She scrubbed the plate.
The dog barked on its all limbs.
“Trov!” she snapped at him.
“Your dog fails to recognize me sometimes.” Braden said, heading towards the mug. Akasuki wasn’t listening to him so he stopped sharing his thoughts.
“Mug is empty.” Braden spoke.
She poured water on her foamy hands, gave them jolts to dry and took the jar from Braden’s hands. With some audible mumbles, she began filling water in it.
Halfway through, she stopped, “You tell me what had happened in Pryeg.”
“It’s the same your father has told you.” Braden placed his hand on table.
“He has told us nothing.” Akasuki gave up filling the jug, “Tell me who attacked my father.”
“Whoever he was, Mr. Chosokabe has got rid of him.” Braden forced a smile which failed on every scale to look natural.
“Before that day he used to be paranoid. But since his arrival, he has become scared.” She looked straight in his eyes, “And you tell me my father has got rid of him?”
“I don’t know much, lady. I wasn’t there-“
“Ugh!” she clenched her fists, “My father might have threatened to kill you if you speak truth. Why am I expecting answer from you?”
“I would not think this bad of Mr. Chosokabe.” Braden was showing why he was a bad actor at play, “He is a nice man.”
“No. You are deluded.”
“He is nice! He brought me here to work as a family servant to help you and your mother in household works.”
“Don’t lie to me. I know he is giving you protection. My senses tell me you saved his life.”
Braden took the half filled jug from her hands. The little compromise wasn’t going to cost him anything so he set off for his room for some sleep.
“Wait!” the black haired Chosokabe called him.
“How is my dress?” she asked.
“Looks new. Suits you.” Braden was honest.
“Thank you.” She stretched her neck to look at her dress, “I wanted a man’s opinion over my dress. Father would have called it a rag if I had asked him this question.”
“What does Mrs. Chosokabe say about your attire?”
“Gorgeous, elegant, stunning….” She rolled her eyes, “I am tired of her fake compliments.”
Braden was still there.
“You want to do the dishes?” she asked.
“No.” he slipped something he shouldn’t have said, “I mean-“
“Then go to sleep.” She caught her scrubber again and rubbed it on the cauldron till she heard door of Braden’s room close.

4 years ago The house has been around for more than 1000 years /o.o/ but thank you for picking this up.
4 years ago Leon. I like it. Maybe she’ll be able to yell it out at a later time.
5 years ago I can’t see where this one is going…
Yes I’ll wait for more
So, for now…
Thank you for the chapter!!!
5 years ago This novel is super interesting (you are my hero fir translating it)… I can’t wait for the next chapter!