Chapter 69

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“Not you.” Commander Eiga touched Shinji’s chest. Meanwhile Genzou pushed the door open with care, holding the box in his other hand.

Shinji knelt to pick his sword because it was the only way he could get away with grinding his teeth in rage. Some soldiers around heard friction of his teeth but not Eiga.
Eiga also passed from the gap of door and closed it for good.
From there, nobody outside heard what conversation was going inside the tiny hut made up of leaves and twigs. There were only speculations for them. And they were also filled with pessimistic thoughts.

Shinji also had many of those. While others were concerned if things would go right with Metal Mage or not, Shinji was just bothered by being denied of help from her. During the moment of frustration, Shinji got compelled to consider what the mage had told him.
You will die no matter Wernh’An lives or not. Those words had strong meaning in them right now. He somehow refused taking it as a prophecy.
Genzou and Commander Eiga came out from the door after some time. Shinji heard some sighs coming from distance. He noticed the absence of the box from Genzou’s hand.
“To the forest.” Eiga began picking up his belongings as Genzou adjusted his beard and began walking for his carriage.
“She told the cure?” Shinji asked Genzou, when he came near, because he had no courage left to ask Eiga.
In return, he got the identical silent treatment from Genzou. The only difference being he was not harsh like Eiga.

Soldiers shared same look of confusion in the duration of Eiga hopping back on his horse.
“Did mage tell help us?” Guards whispered. Despite of hearing every word of it, Commander said nothing. He made his horse turn and the carriage drive also did so.
“Mage, did you tell them the cure?” Shinji asked in his mind, following the returning carriages.

“Yes.” Mage said to his disappointment, “I told them a method which would take two days to prepare the medicine.”

“Two days? Isn’t it too short span?”
“Two days because you need every hour of those. Wernh’An can be cured in a day. If they had brought me noble youth then I would have told them the easiest cure.”
“Will I be able to talk with you again like this?”
She didn’t speak to him. He stopped haring voice formed from wind. Maybe it was the answer for Shinji’s question.

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