The Village (2)

‘The fool has pissed himself’ I chuckled.

I manipulated the earth and brought him close to me. Flashing him my coldest smile, i asked, “so, how about you actually be of use to me… whatcha think?”

I gave him a wink, and i swore i saw him s*** his pants.

“I-I am sor-sor-sorry, please le-let me live!” Fat tears roll down his chin and green-yellowish snort dripped down his philtrum.

“Well give me what i want, and maybe i’ll think about giving you a quick death.”

His face contoured in terror. His eyes widened, and his mouth opening and closing several times like a fish out of water, I thought it was pretty funny.

After extracting the information i needed, i stripped him down and found a silver ring on his finger with a black crystal on it. It was a dimensional storage ring. I took a quick peek and found a bunch of gold coins and some documents.

From the information i extracted, I came to know that this was an era of peace where all races had signed a treaty and started coexisting. The current Bloodcrest Empire was ruled by Vampires, the humans had their own Erewhon Kingdom ruled by a Mage King, and elves had Zeovaria Kingdom. These kingdoms were vessel states of the Empire. Zenthox village which i was currently at, was located was around a few kilometres from the outskirts of the Erewhon Kingdom.

‘Erewhon would be my next destination, but let me get some rest tonight.’

After disposing of the meat on the stick, i headed to an inn. Entering the front door, there was a middle aged woman behind the counter, she looked up and gave me a warm smile.

“How may i help you, sir?”

“One room for tonight and a bath please.”

“That’ll be 14 silver pieces.”

I materialize a gold coin from my spatial ring and handed it to her. Widening her eyes, she tried pushing the coin back to me but i refused.

“I have no change, just take it.”

“Thank you milord, i’ll accommodate you with the best services, meals will be free of charge. ANNA! Come and serve our guest, bring him to the best room!”

The innkeeper must have thought i was a noble, because no one would carry around gold coins and give them away with such carefree attitude. Money spoke in this world, it didn’t matter if you looked shabby or smelled like trash, with enough money everyone treats you well.

Anna popped her head from behind the curtains and made her way to me,

“This way, sir.”

After taking a long bath that i so dearly missed, i changed into a fresh set of clothing that they provided. Settling down on the comfy king sized bed, i reviewed what happened in battle today. From how the blades shattered easily against my legs, i knew my skin was very tough, while not as tough as my scales it is just a little under orichalcum which was known to be the hardest material in this world.

Dragons were the unofficial rulers of Neopagan 2500 years ago, what made us universally feared was not just our majestic forms or widely known dragon breath, but the ability to wield all elements of nature. Thus we were often referred to as Children of Heaven, while some even went as a far as worshiping us as Gods.

After receiving life threatening injuries, i had to convert all my internal energy to focus solely on healing myself, and as a result, i had to seal off 11 magic circles around my magicule core. I was once at the Apex which consisted of 15 circles, currently i have 4 which puts me on the same level as what humans called, advanced mage. Even though my magic circles are at the 4th level, i am still a dragon, and our magicule capacity was vastly superior to humans, which puts my current output around the 6th level. (Magicule also known has magical energy)





1st Circle – Novice

2nd Circle – Beginner

3rd Circle – Intermediate

4th Circle – Advanced

5th Circle – Expert

6th Circle – Elder

7th Circle – Magister

8th Circle – Supreme

9th Circle – Archmage

10th Circle – Mage King

11th Circle – Supreme Emperor

12th Circle – Saint

13th Circle – Transcendent

14th Circle – Overlord

15th Circle – Apex




Dragons were beings that were closely connected to all elements, we start off with an innate magic circle of 11. Humans could never transcend past the 10th circle as their frail bodies could not contain the sheer amount of magicules a dragon had.

Speaking of elements, currently i could only handle 3, namely Earth, Lighting and Fire, there are many others that were waiting to be unsealed. Though i wanted to hurry and regain my former might, it would take quite a long while, because the magicule density of Neopagan has decreased over the millennia making it difficult to increase my magic circles.

As i drifted off to sleep, the only thing i could think of was how much i miss sleeping on the pillows.

Morning came knocking and i got off my comfy bed with extreme reluctance. Dragging myself downstairs i grabbed a cup of coffee.

Before i could enjoy the wonderful aroma, Anna approached my table with a man. He was a burly man with a mustache and beard, with a scar running down his eye, from a first glance i could see that he was a veteran fighter.

Anna introduced him as the Guildmaster of the village.


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2 years ago

What it lost for it’s magic (that sucks), was it’s personality!

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