Chapter I: Decision of Survival

Chapter I: Decision of Survival 



“Just hold on a minute Tashiro, what do you mean by that? Are you actually going to go through with such a plan?” Oracle questioned. 

“I will eliminate half of humanity within the span of 5 days. What is so hard to understand about that?”  

“Are you trying to say that you want to take over the world?” 

“That’s the plan.” 

Oracle was not even shocked by his lord’s words. His tone did not have any hint of a lie hidden inside. The excitement made the doctor quiver just by hearing those words come out of his mouth. 

“Then how about we start tomorrow afternoon? I’ll get the world leading figures and after that, you get started on the destruction and terror.” 

The blue-haired man glared at his second hand for a few seconds only to sigh, accepting the doctor’s proposition while scratching his head. 

“Do what you will. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 

“Bye-bye!” Oracle sang as he waved with Tashiro walking out of the room.  

A couple minutes go as the doctor silently waits for Tashiro to disappear. Knowing that the monster in human skin could probably hear him anyway. A soft smile grows on his face as his mind drifts off on how to please his lord. 

“Any way, let’s get started.” 

. . . 

Somewhere in Greece 


“We have received reports earlier today, at around 1300 hours, that one of our facilities was infiltrated and taken over by the secret empire.” spoke a well-dressed man. 

“How many did we lose Prime Minister Joseph?” spoke another. 

“In that facility? There’s at least 250 casualties.” he sighed. 

The room conference office was filled with a diverse assortment of people from all over the world. These people were the founders of a secret government organization named the “Union of Vega”. This group was founded for the sole purpose to stop anything that poses a threat to humanity. Amongst the group was also well-bred and well-trained individuals that are called the Seven Heavenly Virtues and Seven Deadly Sins. People that were experimented and trained since they could stand. They had super human strength and dealt with the unnatural. 

“Are there any leads on their whereabouts now?” spoke the Russian leader. 

“Unfortunately, no.” answered Prime Minister Joseph. 

“How can we not catch two insurrectionists? How do they even get into those compounds of ours!” spoke a German man. 

“With all due respect, I can understand the loss of your officials but we can’t have emotion be the driving force in our decisions here.” 

“I know that! I know…”  

The president of Germany sat back down and covered his face, trying to compose himself. The president of the United States stood up to get everyone’s attention. 

“Gentlemen, I say we send out “Project: Lusus Naturae”.” 

Everyone sat in silence as stared at the president. This man was usually the head of operations as he was the one who proposed the group to everyone although being only a handful of people being; the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; Joseph Smith, President of Germany; Gunther Eisenburg, President of Russia; Kolya Agapov, the Emperor of Japan; Kabuto Takamado, the Emperor of China; Xiang Fang, the President of Korea; Ch’ae Jin-Hwan, and finally the President of the United States of America; Neal Hamilton. 

“Are you mad, Neil?” Gunther yelled. 

“You are implying that we use that thing to chase these unknown assailants down?” Xiang added. 

“He is not a “thing,” he is a person just like us.” Neal fired back. 

“A person whose capabilities are still unknown. Keep in mind, president Hamilton, that even he does not know what his power is nor what it even does. He will need more time. But, then again, it does not hurt for him to try. Worst that happens is that he dies.” Kabuto spoke up. 

“This man is someone who can fight on equal grounds with the Seven Heavenly Virtues. She is more than capable.” Neil replied 

 “More than capable to hunt my lord? I quite doubt that would be possible.” spoke a voice behind Neil. 

The American president jumped out of his seat, away from whoever was behind him and pulled out a heavy pistol. An orange-haired man in a lab coat, waving at them. 

“Who are you? How did you get in here!?” Neil demanded. 

“Pardon the intrusion, the door people were very rude and handsy. I had to deal with them first before I arrived here. Without further ado, allow me to introduce myself. Nathanial Oracle, second hand of the Daybreak Empire, at your service. I have come here today because I have information that might be of interest to you all.” Oracle spoke.  

“We will ask you again! How did you get in here? We have our finest squad out there!” 

“Did you not listen? I did say the door people were very rude and I dealt with them as I saw fit.”  

The orange-haired scientist snapped his fingers and the large monitor behind him lit up to show live camera footage of the outside room. The bodies of both of the Seven Heavenly Virtues and Deadly Sins were littered around the room covered with blood. The scene was horrifying to look at, even to people like the world leaders. How could someone be able to do something like this. You would have to be a monster. 

“Do I have your attention now, gentlemen?” Oracle asked with a devious smile. 

Everyone lowered their weapons and sat back down in their seats, ready to listen to what this madman had to say. He clapped his hands together with glee. 

“Good. Now that we’re all on the same page, I have some vital information and a proposition for you all.” 

“What kind of information do you have for us?” asked Joseph. 

“A prophecy. A prophecy that the gods have bestowed upon me all thanks to the power that my lord possesses. A prophecy that will turn the world on its head. A prophecy that holds the fate of half of human kind as we know it!” Oracle enthusiastically exclaimed. 

“What is this lunacy you are spewing on about!? Are you just here to waste our time? Get on with it!” demanded Kolya. 

“That is quite rude. You can leave now.” 

Before any of the seven world leaders could even spark a thought or even blink, Oracle impaled the Russian president straight through his chest with only his bare hand. No one could even comprehend what just happened. Not even Koyla. He didn’t even feel the hand penetrate his body as his slowly turned his gaze from where the intruder was to the hand in his chest. There was not even a slightest pain signal that were sent from his nervous system. Before he knew what would happen next, his body went limp, dying in his seat. 

“This is the way. The way of the Daybreak Empire. If any of you interrupt me again, you will meet the same fate as this fellow here. Do you understand?” Oracle threatened. 

The presence that the scientist was giving off was suffocating. Everyone in the room could feel his bloodlust. His eyes gave off a feeling of prey looking upon an apex predator.  

“Now then, where we were? Ah yes, the prophecy! Let’s get on with it, shall we?”   

Oracle pushed the dead man off his chair and sat down in his seat and told the remaining individuals the prophecy that he has told his lord before. It seemed to have some sort of effect on the minds on everyone else in the room. 

“Is this prophecy implying that half of humanity is going be slaughtered like sheep?” asked Neil. 

“Correct, my dear president of the United States. There is nothing you can do to stop it. But I do now have a proposition to sell you.” Oracle replied. 

“And what would that be?” 

“Hm… What did you call your secret project again? Lushi Natori?” 

“Lusus Naturae.” Gunther answered. 

“Ah, thank you my German fellow. Anyway, here’s my proposition to you all. I help you find these three heroes that the prophecy speaks of. I know for a fact you already have one in your possession. He’s quite the keeper to be blessed with such an ability because of my liege. The second is running around as of right now and not even I know where she is. The third has yet to awaken their power although I do not know where they’ll appear.” Oracle explained. 

“And what is your proposition?” asked Joseph. 

“My proposition… is that in order for all of this to happen, I need five more of you to die. Whoever remains will look after the boy along with one of the remaining members of both of those door men I took care of outside. Take your pick.” 

Silence overtook the room. Fear started to course through the veins of the remaining world leaders as their thoughts became a hurricane of chaos on what to do. 

“A question, if I may? Who are our remaining squadron members?” Gunther asked. 

Oracle flipped his index up and pointed at the monitor behind Neal. The six men turned to see two middle aged him floating in the middle of the room. 

“On the left, you have a member of your Heavenly Virtue, Ray King. On the right, you have a member of your Deadly Sins, Niko Rodriguez.” 

Neal rose from his seat and let out a heavy sigh. He turned around to face the mad “scientist.”  

“I will cut myself out of the equation and say that Xiang Feng, Emperor of China, be our surviving member.” Neal announced. 

The decision shocked the other Union members. Hearing those words from their strongest member of the council was something that they would never expect. 

“President Neal! I am honored with your decision, but why do you out yourself?” exclaimed Xiang. 

“Because I am not the man this world deserves to train heroes. I may be the strongest member of this council, but I am no mentor. You, however, fit the role of such a task.” 

“If that’s the case, then I shall vote myself out as well but I nominate Mr. Eisenburg.” Added Joseph. 

“As shall I but I nominate Kabuto-nim.” continued Ch’ae. 

“Well it seems we have our conclusion.” Oracle clapped his hands, killing three members who outed themselves in a very quick but gruesome manner.  

“Congratulations! You three pass. Now we just have to wait for those two to finish their fist fight.” 

Oracle glanced over to the monitor to watch the fight he secretly initiated between the two squad members of the Heavenly Virtues and Deadly Sins. His demanded was that the two fight to the death and whoever came out on top, will leave the facility alive along with three of the surviving council members. 

“You said that only one of us had to live! Why are you going back on your proposition?” asked Gunther. 

“If three of your strongest members choose the weakest three, I would have to suspect that those individuals have the most potential for something grand. I hope you three don’t disappoint me. If you do, then this was all for nothing. Now, back to the fight at hand.” 

. . . 

His mind was fading in and out of consciousness. His breathing was erratic. But he was still standing, ready to fight. All he knew is that he had to kill his friend to live. They both knew something like this was going to have to happen eventually, it was only a matter of time. As the match raged on between the two squad members, exchanging blow for blow for blow, his opponent started to fight in a manner that seemed like he was throwing the match. 

“What are you doing, Niko? Why are you not fighting with your full strength.” King grumbled. 

“I do not want to fight you, my friend. I’d rather die than kill you.” Niko stumbled onto his feet and raised his fists.  

“You promised me. You promised me that if we fought against each other, you’d go all out! Was that a lie!” 

“No, mi amigo. That was not a lie. Right now, I am not fighting a friend. I’m fighting a hostage.” 

King clenched his fist and ran towards Niko, yelling at the top of his lungs. When he got close, Niko swung his elbow down towards King’s face only for it to blocked and met with an uppercut straight to his jaw. King then sent a flurry of punches and kicks at his opponent. Before he sent the last hit in, Niko uttered his final words before collapsing onto King. 

“Adios, mi viejo amigo.” 

. . . 

“Ah, it seems like Mr. Ray King is the victor of the match. I’d make haste while you still can to warn the people of the upcoming Armageddon. You only have until tomorrow afternoon.” Oracle smiled and then disappeared from sight. 

The remaining council members stayed in their seats, covering their faces with defeat and sorrow. They didn’t even have 24 hours to even warn the people. There was nothing they could do. If one person was enough to beat both of their secret special ops’ units, who’s to say what the leader is capable of. 

“Gott helfe unss allen.” Gunther mutterd. 

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