Chapter 145 What Are You Doing?

Even for them, who had been at the forefront of the M Empire, they had never seen this kind of aramid material and got really excited and interested in it. Those experts stayed up all night and finally managed to analyze the main components in only half a month.

“Su Mian, thank you for always giving me surprises.” Wei Zhen Hui was telling the truth. Su Mian was like a fortune teller. It was after the current incident that Wei Zhen Hui was even more convinced. He recalled that before he set off, she told him that he must put on his body armor. He didn’t care much at that moment as he was injured countless times in the battlefield for so many years, but this time he almost got killed.

Only allowed on

Su Mian, did she foresee that he would be fatally injured, so she insisted on him wearing the body armor?

Wei Zhen Hui looked at her clear eyes; just how many things he didn’t know about this girl.

“Why are you looking at me so seriously?” Su Mian smiled sweetly, and her round eyes became two crescents.

“My wife is good-looking, I just can’t look enough.” Wei Zhen Hui’s perverseness was always so impressive that he admired himself for it.

Heh, Su Mian was even more amused by him, and finally became so happy that she couldn’t stand straight up. She jumped into his arms and started punching him playfully.

Wei Zhen Hui frowned, enduring the pain, “My wife, could we change locations?”

“What do you want to do? There are so many people here!” Su Mian immediately became alert, and turned to look at the five tails that followed them closely. They were watching enthusiastically, and immediately panicked and looked away when Su Mian turned her head around.

Wei Zhen Hui pursed his lips, feeling happy inwardly, now that his wife would just think of intimacy no matter what he actually meant. Since his wife had such thinking, of course he would need to follow how she thought and make it happen.

As soon as Su Mian turned her head, Wei Zhen Hui dragged her to the back of the pavilion with one hand.

“Wei Zhen Hui, what are you doing?” Su Mian struggled and stomped with anger, but she dared not speak out loud, for fear of drawing those five tails over.

“Do~ what should be done!” After Wei Zhen Hui finished speaking, he sat Su Mian on his lap. Before Su Mian could resist, Wei Zhen Hui caught her little mouth that was about to resist.

Su Mian was not as strong as him, and now that he was injured, she naturally dared not use too much strength, and in the end, she could only soften and be in his arms.

This person even dared to behave like a gangster in the daytime!

When the five people in the back looked up again, not even the shadows could be seen.

The first team leader was the first to react, and he spat out the hay roots that he still felt were delicious a while ago, “Damn, in just the blink of an eye, where did the battalion commander drag his wife to?”

After lunch, Su Mian was about to go back. Although she felt reluctant to leave, her studies were also very important.

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In the morning, she secretly performed a full body scan for Wei Zhen Hui, she was so relieved that he could fully recover after another month of recuperation.

Before leaving, Wu Feng bought a few braised pork knuckles and packed some dishes, “Wei Min loves this. Every time she comes, she will ask Zhen Hui to bring her to eat.”

It seemed that something flashed in Su Mian’s mind, but she couldn’t recall it right then.

Wei Zhen Hui sent her off at the gate and asked Wu Feng to take her to the bus station.

Wu Feng put the things into two bags and handed them to Su Mian. He looked at no one nearby, and then said solemnly, “Sister-in-law, tell Wei Min when you see her, that I’m fine, I’m back alive!”

Su Mian realized only then that Wu Feng liked Wei Min!

If you liked someone, you would always be thinking about her and willing to share everything with her.

That just made sense, he had bought so many things, but kept saying that Wei Zhen Hui was the one that told him to buy them. Although Wei Zhen Hui knew that Wei Min was a foodie, he would not remember the things that she liked so clearly.

Wu Feng remembered all of them in his heart.

Heh, Su Mian took the things and sized Wu Feng up several times. She wasn’t sure when he fell in love with Wei Min. Did Wei Zhen Hui know about this?

- my thoughts:
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